25-Prissy Ass

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Season 12 x 21

Since getting the urgent phone call from Mary; Sam, Dean and Calliope head off to the last place that they knew Mary was at. Entering the motel room, Dean flicks on the light, "Mom?" he calls out, as they enter looking for her.
"Mary?" Calliope calls out, as the three of them look around.

"Well, looks like she hasn't been here for a while" Dean says coming out of the bathroom.
"Yeah. All her stuff is gone. Did she say she was moving on or...?" Sam asks him.
"No, I told you what she said, She said, 'Dean, call me. We have a problem' and then that was it. She didn't sound happy" Dean says.

"Well, when she isn't here, she usually bunks with the Brits right?" Calliope then says to them.
"I've called Mick, like, six times. He's been radio silent since they sent him to London" Dean tells her, as he takes his phone out, making a call.

"Ketch, calling to see if my mom's with you. It's Dean.....Winchester....because I'd like to speak to her, that's why" Sam and Calliope listen to Dean saying, "No, I'm not being terse. Look, if you haven't seen her, do you know where she is? No, I'm not being curt either. Look, I don't have time for Manners 101 from you, okay? If she's with you, I want to know about it.....Fine!" he says as he then hangs up the call, "Such a dick" he comments.
"And?" Sam asks him.
"He says he hasn't seen Mom in over a week" Dean tells them.

"But Mom called two days ago, said she was working a case with him" Sam says to his brother.
"Which means he's lying" Dean says back.

"But why would he—" Sam stops as his phone starts ringing. He takes it out looking at the caller ID, "Jody" he tells Dean and Calliope as he answers the call, "Jody, hey. No, what?" they hear Sam saying then they see his face fall, "No, uh...No, we hadn't heard" Sam says to Jody.
"Mom?" Dean quickly asks.

Sam shakes his head at him, "Um, when? What the hell happened?" he says to her, and, "Oh, no. No, I—yeah, thanks for letting me know. Bye" he then says the call ending.
"Who?" Dean asks, as they know it's a call that someone had died.
"Eileen" he tells them.
"Oh, God" Calliope says putting her hand in to her mouth in shock.

"How?" Dean then asks Sam.
"She was, um...mauled by a wild animal in a wooded area that doesn't have animals that do that, in South Carolina" he tells them.
"But I thought she was in Ireland" Dean says to him, Sam just shakes his head, and is in disbelief.

Calliope goes up to Sam, wrapping her arms around him, "I am so sorry, Sam" she says to him.
He pulls away from her, "Dean, Callie, that's the second hunter death we've heard about in two weeks" he says.
"I know. But two doesn't mean a pattern" Dean says.
"Three would" Sam then says.
"Meaning?" Dean asks him.
"Mom is a hunter. And no one knows where she is" he says to Dean.

Dean, Sam and Calliope stand in the morgue, looking over Eileen's dead body, Dean and Calliope looking at Sam, knowing that this was hard on him. "People who do what we do....you know there are gonna be deaths, but this..." Sam stops, as Calliope places her hand on his arm, letting him know it's gonna be okay.

" Sam stops, as Calliope places her hand on his arm, letting him know it's gonna be okay

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