21- Order Pancakes

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Season 12 x 18

Sam and Calliope were in the library looking through files, and trying to find anything that might help them deal with Dagon, the next time they face her. Hearing footsteps, they both look over to see Dean walking in to the room, "we got our asses handed to us, even with the Colt. So, could really use the backup. Just call me back" they hear him saying as he ends his phone call.

"Still no luck with Cass, huh?" Sam asks his brother.
"Yeah, still AWOL" Dean replies, as he sits down beside Calliope.
"All right, so let's find him" Sam says as he takes a seat across from them.

"I've been trying Sam. The GPS on his phone is turned off, and there's nothing in the system about some weird guy in a trench coat getting arrested or turning up dead. Calliope's given Angel Radio a few tries, but ends up either giving me or herself a killer headache, so that's obviously not working" Dean tells his brother, as he takes his hidden gun out from under the table, and sets it down.

"Dean, it's Cass. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, you know? And whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is" Sam says, as they watch Dean take the gun apart to clean.
"Sam's right, if Cass is in serious trouble he will reach out, one way or another" Calliope says as she gently touches his arm.

"Yeah" Dean replies, wiping the parts of the gun down, "What about you? You got anything there, Reading Rainbow?" Dean then asks his brother

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"Yeah" Dean replies, wiping the parts of the gun down, "What about you? You got anything there, Reading Rainbow?" Dean then asks his brother.
"I stayed up all night going through every book we have on demons, and it turns out we have a lot of books on demons" Sam explains to him.

"Any on Dagon?" Dean asks.
"Mentions here and there, but nothing we can use. I guess the, uh, Princes of Hell are pretty good at staying off the radar" Sam tells him.

"Well, yeah, isn't that kind of their thing?" Dean remarks, as they hear Sam's computer chime.
"Hmm" Sam says, "Just got an email form Mick" he tells them as he opens the email up, "it's a case"
"Good" Dean then says, as Calliope cleans off the other parts he took off his colt.

"Looks like a guy names Jarrod Hayes disappeared in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, a week ago. No witnesses. No body. But Mick says this place has a history" Sam explains to the two of them.
"History, meaning what?" Calliope asks, as she helps pass Dean the parts of his gun that she had cleaned off.

"Well, it means a lot of people go missing in Tomahawk. One a year, every year, from 1898 to 1997, and then nothing until now" Sam answers her.
"So, 20 years?" Dean questions.
"Yeah. So, maybe they're starting up again? Maybe it's a cycle of some sort" Sam suggests.
"Well, one way to find out" Dean says, as he then cocks back the colt he had finished putting back together.

Dean, Calliope and Sam all head to Tomahawk, and head to the police station, donning their Fed suits they go to meet with the local Sheriff, who seemed to be working on some taxidermy. "I'm sorry, but why are the Feds interested in Jarrod Hayes?" the Sheriff asks them.

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