6- Scrooge McDuck

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Season 12 x 5

Calliope and Sam had headed to the store to pick up supplies for the bunker, "Has he been, okay?" Sam asks Calliope as they make their way back to the bunker.

"Honestly Sam, since he's figured out that your mom needed space, he's been a little better. I mean he and I have been really great, especially in bed" she smiles at him.
"I didn't really need to know that" Sam smiles at her.

"Guess, you didn't" she laughs, as Sam pulls the car up to the bunker. They grab the stuff they got, and head inside the bunker, going down the stairs to the kitchen, "We got the goods" Calliope tells Dean, who seems to be focused on his computer.

"So what are you thinking? Scrambled or fried?" Sam asks as he and Calliope start to put the food away.
"I'm not really hungry right now" Dean says and both Calliope and Sam look at one another confused by this.

"What? You're not that..." Calliope says as she then takes the apple pie out that she had picked up for him, "Not even for pie" she says opening the box, and smiling at him.
Dean looks over at it, before looking back at his laptop, "Maybe later" he says to her, "Kind of in the middle of something"
"Okay, that's it something is wrong, you turned down pie" Calliope says to him.
"No" he quickly replies.

"I get it. With Mom—" "I'm gonna stop you right there. Okay?" Dean cuts off Sam looking at him, "Look, Mom needed her space, and I told you, I'm cool with it"
"But are you really?" Sam asks him.
Dean just looks at his brother as he gets up and brings his laptop over to them, "happened last night" he says showing them the news article he had opened.

"'Two killed in Mystery Fire'"" Sam reads the headline.
"Mm-hmm" Dean nods, as he lifts the lid on the pie box looking at it.
"Mystery Fire?" Sam asks him.
"Yeah the kind that doesn't burn anything but the bodies" Dean explains to Sam.
"So it was spontaneous combustion. What are you thinking, a witch? Dragon?" Sam says and Calliope gives him a quizzical look at the mention of Dragons.

"Maybe, check it out, the old lady? Loaded. I'm talking Scrooge McDuck swimming pools of money. So, what's a lady like that doing at some crap store, at 3:00 a.m?" Dean says to them.
Calliope reads over the article, "Says here that it was an antique shop" she says to Dean.
"So?" he asks.
"Well, don't a lot of rich people like antiques? I don't know" she then says to him.
"I say we check it out" Dean says to her and Sam.

"All right, in the meantime, you sure you don't wanna talk about—" "No" Dean is quick to cut Sam off from finishing his sentence.
"Dean, it's called sublimation" Sam then says.
"Yeah. That's kind of my thing" Dean says as he closes his laptop and walks away.
"Sam, if he wants to talk about it, he will. I promise if he says anything to me I'll let you know" Calliope says to him.

"Yeah, yeah, if anyone can really get him to talk, it would be you" Sam says to her, "Umm, I'll put this stuff away, met you and Dean at the car" Sam says to her.
"Yeah" she says as she then walks away, heading to her and Dean's room to pack up a bag for the case.

She enters the room, to see Dean was placing the last of his clothes in his bag, "You know Sam's just worried about you, that's why he asks" she says as she gets her things.
"Sam is always worried" Dean says to her.
"Well, he's allowed to be, just as I am. Dean honestly, I know you are putting on a façade about your mom leaving. I also know that you've been using certain things to forget about it too" she says as she puts her clothes in her bag.

"No, I am not using sex with you as a way to forget about my mom" Dean is quick to say to her and they both look at one another, letting out a laugh.
"That sounds really bad" Calliope says smiling at him.
"Yeah, yeah it really did" Dean says smiling back.

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