20- The Code

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Season 12 x 17

Dean, Sam and Calliope were driving through the night, as Sam had gotten a video call with Eileen, as she had been looking into Kelly for them, "So, uh, after we talked you went back to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho" Sam says to her.

"Right, the last place anybody saw Kelly Kline, so I figured I'd take a look" She signs and says to him.
"And?" he asks her.
"And turns out, right after she left, somebody burned down an old warehouse. I did some digging. Check your phone" she tells Sam.

He feels it vibrate, "Okay" he says as he opens the photos Eileen sent him, "What are those, security shots?" he asks, as he zooms in, "Oh, yeah there's Kelly going in" he comments.
"Huh" Dean says as he had leaned over to look, and Sam turns the tablet to face him, "Nice work, Eileen" Dean tells her.

"Thank You" she replies.
"Natural Hunter" Calliope signs as she leans forward from her seat, and looks at Eileen through the video chat.
"Thanks" Eileen signs back.

"So, who's the woman with her, that Pat Benatar wannabe" Calliope then asks, "God, I have been around Dean too long" she signs to Eileen.
"Must be Dagon, I guess" Sam says to her.
"Awesome" Dean comments.
"Okay, so" Dean starts to say, then hits Sam, as he had moved the tablet away, and Eileen can't see him speak. Sam moves the tablet back, allowing Dean to face Eileen, "Kelly and Dagon go crash at this place, and then it gets torched. Coincidence?"

Sam scoffs, "No" he says.
"Hell, no" Eileen says and signs.
"Agree" Calliope says "So, then what are we looking at here?" Calliope asks.
"Working on it" she says and signs to Calliope.

"Well, go get 'em Eileen" Dean says to her.
"That's the plan" she tells him.
'Bye Eileen' Calliope signs to her, as Eileen signs it back.
"Bye, Sam" Eileen then says to him.
"Bye" he says back smiling, as he ends the call.
"Aww, that's cute, Sammy's got a crush" Calliope then says.
"Come on" Sam replies back, as Dean and Calliope both look at him smiling.

The three of them enter the bunker heading down the stairs, "I'm just saying, Dean, even with Cass and every hunter we know working this, we still got basically nothing" Sam says to his brother, as they get to the bottom of the stairs.

"At least, you know, maybe Crowley can—" "No, dude, we're not calling Crowley" Dean cuts off Sam, as they place their bags on the table.
Dean goes to say something else, but stops when he notices they aren't alone in the bunker, "Hello boys, and lady. Do come and have a drink" Mick says to them, as he is seated in the library.

"Did you break into our house?" Sam asks, as they all slowly approach him.
"Our house. Men of Letters. Did you know your key opens every Chapterhouse in the world?" Mick says, as they still look at him cautiously. "Well, you did say you'd give me a second chance" he then says to them.

"Yeah, that doesn't mean we wanna hang out" Dean says to him.
"Are you here for a specific reason?" Calliope asks him, crossing her arms.
"I am, and it's a bit urgent" he says placing his whiskey glass down, "Some time ago, the home office recorded some sort of cosmic shock wave. Very rare, think it's only happened one other time. And after a few months of—"

Dean looks at Calliope and Sam, "Nephilim" Sam and Calliope tell Mick.
"You knew?" he asks them.
"Yeah, we knew" Dean replies.
"How?" he then asks them all.

"It's kinda a long story" Calliope says, as Dean walks over and grabs the whiskey and the glasses, as Sam and Calliope lean against the table.

"Well, I've got time" Mick tells them.
"Well, Lucifer jacked the President, and then knocked up his girlfriend" Dean explains as he pours drinks.
"And now she is on the run with Dagon, who is a Prince of Hell" Sam goes on to explain.

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