3- Her Majesty

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Season 12 x 3

Dean and Sam sit at the kitchen table, as Calliope cooks them up some breakfast, Mary hadn't come down yet. Calliope passes them their breakfasts, and pours them both some coffee, "Thanks Callie" Sam says to her.
"No problem, Sam" she tells him, as she then sits down beside Dean, and they start eating.

"All right, so what have you found on Her Majesty's secret suck bags?" Dean asks Sam.
Sam sighs, "Well, I mean, I turned the bunker upside down looking for any reference whatsoever to the British Men Of Letters. And all I found was this letter tucked into an old ledger" he shows them as he unfolds the letter, "from the London chapterhouse"

"Well, that is something" Calliope says taking a sip of her coffee.
"Yeah, uh, not so much" Sam says showing her and Dean the letter, and how most of it was blackened out.
Dean takes the letter from Sam, "Awesome" he says seeing all the parts that wear marked out.

Just then they hear footsteps and see Castiel coming into the kitchen, "Morning, sunshine, like some coffee?" Calliope asks him.
"No, thank you. I have to go" he tells them as he walks away.
The three of them look at one another then get up going after him, "Cass?" Sam and Calliope call out to him.

"Cass, wait up" Dean shouts as they go out to the hall.
"Hey, where are you going off to?" Calliope asks him.
"Cleveland, Ohio" he tells them.
"For what?" Sam asks.

"I think I may have a lead on Lucifer" Castiel says, "I found a police report in Cleveland, about a man whose eyes flared a glowing red. It could be Lucifer in a new body"
"All right, yeah, that sounds like something. We should check it out" Dean says to him.

"No" Castiel is quick to protest, "the Devil is free because of me, finding him is my responsibility"
"But, Cass, you're gonna want some backup on this" Sam says.
"If it is him, I will call you. In the meantime, I think you're needed here" he says to them, as he leaves.
"What the hell was that about?" Dean asks as they head back to the kitchen.

"Mom" Sam says to him.
"What are you talking about? Mom's fine" Dean says to him.
"You sure?" Sam asks, "I heard her walking around all night last night. I mean, don't you think she seems a bit withdrawn, you know? Shaky?" Sam says to Dean as they all sit back down.

"Of course, she's shaky" Dean says to him, "She hasn't been on this planet since Jane Fonda was wearing legwarmers. All she needs is a little R&R, you know? Some good family time, she'll be aces"
"Yeah" Sam says, as they hear footsteps approaching and Mary walks in.

"Hey" "Hey" Dean and her say to one another.
"Hey, Morning" "Hey" Sam and her then say.
"Morning Mary" "Morning, Calliope" the two women say to one another.
"Ohh" Mary then says seeing the bacon on the table.

"Oh, Callie can fry up some more, that's probably cold by now, Mom" Sam tells her.
"It's bacon" Mary says as she takes a piece to eat.
"Wow, you and Dean are definitely related" Calliope says smiling, and they all laugh.

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