24-Super-Mario Power Up

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Season 12 x 20

Calliope watched as Castiel drove away with Kelly, once they were gone, she waited a few more minutes, to make sure the boys couldn't follow. Calliope then walked over to where the boys laid, and places her hand on their heads, waking them back up.

"What the hell Calliope?" Dean says anger in his voice.
"I'm sorry Dean" she says holding her tears back, as he then gets up and walks over to where the broken pieces of the Colt laid. He picks it up, looking at it, anger and frustration on his face, as Sam gets up, and brings the cloth over to wrap it up in.

"Callie, what happened back there?" Sam then asks her

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"Callie, what happened back there?" Sam then asks her.
"It's....it's hard to explain Sam, but I trust that Cass is doing what's right for Kelly and her child" she then says.
"Yeah, whatever" Dean says angrily as they three of them get into the Impala, and he speeds off toward the bunker.

Once back at the bunker, the three of them enter, and head down the stairs, Calliope jumps at hearing the door slamming shut behind Dean. She knew the boys were going to be annoyed and upset with her for letting Kelly and Castiel go. She walks away from the boys, heading to her and Dean's room, and she begins to gather some things to go stay in another room. She finishes tossing some clothes in a bag, and steps back out of the room, heading to another one. She opens the door to the room that she use to stay in when she first came back, and tosses the bag on the bed, as she turns the light on. She sits down on the bed, when she hears footsteps coming down the hall, and looking up she sees Dean standing in the doorway, "Why are you in here?" he asks her.

"Because Dean, your pissed with me, and what I did" she says to him, "I'm gonna stay in here tonight" she sighs.
"No, no, Callie. I...I just..." he sighs, "I'm just frustrated that's all" he says stepping toward her, as he kneels down at the end of the bed. "I would never be mad with you, I love you" he says placing a hand on her leg, looking up at her.

"Dean, what I felt when Castiel and I went against Dagon, it was....it was good" she says and he gives her a are you serious look, "Dean, I know you and Sam think that this child will be evil, but I don't. I mean, he's family to me"
"I know...I know he will be but still he's Lucifer's child, how can you think he will be good?" he asks her.
"Can you not just trust me on this?" she asks him, and he doesn't say a word, "See, Dean, you can't. Maybe I should have gone with Castiel and Kelly, then I wouldn't have to have you looking at me like that" Calliope says to him, as some tears streak down her cheeks.

 Maybe I should have gone with Castiel and Kelly, then I wouldn't have to have you looking at me like that" Calliope says to him, as some tears streak down her cheeks

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