Marvel x True Blood [e. northman) pt. 1

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Pairing: Eric Northman x Reader
Imagine: Though you swore you'd never step step foot back in Bon Temps, you one day find yourself back. And it's a lot....bloodier than you remember.
Warnings: None

This is over 3k words and only the first of 3 parts..... buckle in

"I have a problem."

"Hello to you too."

Sookie Stackhouse stood in a back room in Fangtasia, arms crossed as she stared at Eric Northman. Pam was there too, sitting on a lounge chair between the two of them.

Sookie despised this place, but Eric called and insisted that she come meet with him about a "situation."

"Let me rephrase; we have a problem."

"If this is about your strippers forming a union then I still don't know what else to tell-"

"It's not about that. We have a mole."

"A mole?"


"Am I supposed to know what that means? Please elaborate."

"As you know we've been encouraging peaceful relations between vampires and humans."

Sookie nodded. The "secret" of vampires in Bon Temp was no longer a secret. It was a pretty well known fact now. The gang, aka the staff of Fangtasia and Merlotte's, had been doing their best to keep the peace in town.

"Apparently someone within my club got word out that our secret had been exposed to members of the general public and a nearby werewolf clan got angry-word is they plan on overtaking and wiping out Bon Temps."

"Wiping out?"

"Slaughtering...I was trying to be polite."

"But why? What threat do we pose?"

"The dogs are worried that their secret is next, and that word will spread," Pam spit out bitterly. She'd never been particularly fond of werewolves, not that Sookie could blame her. The two species did not get along.

"So just because we're coexisting peacefully with humans they want to kill us?"

"They will kill us. Unless we can figure out what their plan is and when they plan on executing it."

"Ok. So how do we do that?"

"Well it would help if i could decipher who the mole was and what exact information they gave the wolves. That way we could plan a defense. But I can't read their minds and for all we know the mole has already slipped away or would be able to withstand questioning. And unless your powers have grown since the last time you graced us with your presence...." Eric trailed off sarcastically, though any humor left his face when he noticed Sookie shifting from foot to foot with an uneasy look on her face.


"No Eric, my powers haven't changed. I still can't read the minds of anyone supernatural. But...." She trailed off, biting at her lip.

"Oh for the love of satan, spit it out!" Pam was not the patient one.

"My sister can!" Sookie finally blurted out.

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