Another one

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Third Person's Pov

Shoyoo it's really youu!

Everyone's attention was on the door that harshley opened. Shoyo spread his arms widely waiting for the person to jump on him which he did. It earns an irritation to everyone.

I miss you . Shoyo stated

I miss you more sunshine. The latter said tightening the hug.They have a moment when a sudden spray interrupt it .Turns out it's Sakusa who sprayed a Lysol into his cousin Komori.

Kiyoomi how dare you Komori said dramatically earning a pat from Shoyo.

Komori's Pov
Me and my cousin are walking since he ask me a favor to accompany him in buying cleaning supplies.I was balabbering about something when Kiyoomi stops his tracks and stare at a certain restaurant. I was about to ask him what's the matter when he run immediately to that resto. I was confused at first and was about to follow when my phone rings.

Moshi Moshi?
{Montoya kun I would like to remind you that practice is cancel tomorrow since coach has something to do}

Noted captain and I"ll tell Kiyoomi too.

{thank you}

I hung up and turn my gaze to the resto and I saw Sakusa kiss someone?wait a minute I think I'm still asleep. I blink my eyes multiple times ,pinch my arm and I flinch.Ouchiee so I'm not dreaming nor hallucinating?But-orange hair?wait a damn minute is that??Omygosh you have to be kidding me .Is it him?Since when he came back wt- okay. *Breath in breath out* I calm myself first and proceed to run and burst out the door.

I shouted and he turn his head I was shock but still jump unto him which he waits for me with open arms.I was enjoying his warmth when Kiyoomi sprayed Lysol to me.Rude hmp.

Shoyo just pat my head which I enjoy.Hah I miss this guy and I pretty sure Kiyoomi too. Wonder if Sho has a boyfriend. I wondered my eyes and saw the Inarizaki?What is he doing with them. I gulped when zi notice their glare at me.Uhmm did I interrupt something or what? I sweatdrop with their gazes

Ah Kiyoomi captain a moment ago and he said that no practice tomorrow.

Kiyoomi just nod at me and look back to Shoyo who is lecturing him for spraying Lysol to me.What a good sight I snickered and earn a death glare from Kiyoomi. I just pouted.

Ne guys would you like to join us eat? Shoyo ask and Kiyoomi sat next to Shoyo and I sat next to Kita senpai which I earn a bow and I bow too.

So what are you doing with these guys sho?and when did you came back here in Japan?

Ah actually I'm an exchange student and a month ago. Shoyo answered ang I just nod.

Why here?You should come to Itachimaya . Kiyoomi said

Yeah sho you know we will welcome you, actually you can transfer their. I said and smile.

He chuckled and say Hmm I can't do that. The love of my life would be sad. He said and my mouth and Kiyoomi's mouth wide open with a shock?

Ehh?He has a lover already?Damn I haven't confess yet but I will be rejected?Man.

I pouted and he pinch my cheeks.

Third Person's Pov

Oh yeah that reminds me Sho you told us earlier you will tell us about your lovers. Aran said

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