Their Reactions

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Nekoma's POV

Kuroo's heart sank as he read the news about Hinata being an exchange student in Hyogo. He couldn't believe that their lively little crow had flown so far away. The group chat had exploded with messages, and Kuroo found himself scrolling through the flood of emotions and reactions from his teammates.

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Yamamoto•: I can't believe that the Goddess is in Hyogo! That's so far away!

•Lev: Do you think he's okay, Kuroo-san?

•Kuroo: I'm sure he's fine, Lev. He's always been full of surprises.

•Kai: But why Hyogo? Is that were the twins came from?

•Yamamoto: Hah?! Those sly foxes

•Kenma: Tsk that sangwoo and grey hair better not bother Shoyo.

•Yaku: Now now calm down Kenma.

          •Kuroo: Tsk if they bother him.

•Yamamoto: WE

•Inouka: KILL

•Kuro: THEM

•Yaku: And bury them six feet underground

• Kenma: or chopped them and feed them to the sharks

• Lev:or wolves

•Kai: I miss his crazy energy during practice.

•Yamamoto: Me too. Practice won't be the same without him.

•Lev: I wish we could all be together again.

      •Kuroo: Yeah, it will feel weird not having him around. But let's give him some space and time. He'll come back even stronger.

Aoba Johsai's POV

Oikawa read the messages in the group chat with a mix of surprise and concern. Hinata being an exchange student in Hyogo was unexpected news, and the team was buzzing with speculations and emotions.

        •Oikawa: Seriously, Shoyo didn't tell us?

•Kunimi: Why would he tell you

        •Oikawa:Kunimi-chan meanniee

•Matsukawa: I can't believe he's in Hyogo. That's far from here.

•Hanamaki: It's been just a day, but it  will feel so weird without him around.

•Watari: I wonder how he's doing.

•Kunimi: He's probably making new friends already.

                           •Oikawa: What? Jealous?

•Kunimi: Why would I be , his already my boyfriend.

•Iwaizumi:Eh? Kunimi? You know about this?

•Kunimi: Of course I do.

•Kindaichi: Oh ,is that why you were in foul mode last time?


•Yahaba: Why didn't you tell us.

• Kunimi: Why would I?

                          • Oikawa:Sharing is caring

•Iwaizumi: I hope he's not forgetting about us.

                  •Kunimi: Knowing Shoyo, he'll never forget his precious rivals.

•Matsukawa: Yeah, he's probably out there, giving his all in some intense match.

•Hanamaki: I miss him already. Practice won't be as exciting without him.

•Watari: Hey, Kunimi, why don't you message him if he's doing fine? You're his boyfriend, right?

•Kunimi: Yeah, I will. But I also want him to have fun and enjoy his time there. Besides I'm pretty sure he"ll be fine

•Iwaizumi: How will you know that?

•Kunimi: He's cousin is there

•Iwaizumi: I see..

•Yahaba: He'll be back, right?

•Kindaichi: Of course, he will. We'll see him again, and he'll have so much to tell us.

           •Oikawa: Until then, let's focus on our own training and matches. We'll make sure we're at our best when we face Karasuno again.

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