Your What?!

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3rd Person's POV

Hah?! What THE-WHAT the hell?!

Everyone turn their heads to the gym door and decided to gather in there to know about the ruckus even their coaches.

As they go closer, their eyes widened and mouth wide open.

Suna's neck is full of purple and red marks.

They can't utter a word and just staring at the two.

Shoyo is just giving them confused look and Suna is just giving them what the fuck look.

What now? Suna said irritatedly with left eyebrows raising and arms crossing sighing tiredly .

Shoyo look Suna, then  to his neck then the Inarizaki team and smirks.

He then pulled Suna which the latter flinch by the sudden touch making confused face while looking at Shoyo and the team back and forth.

Ehem are you guys okay? Shoyo said to the team while giving them "angelic" smile

Sho-kun you did it with S-suna??  Ren ask

More importantly here in school? Omimi added.

Their coach sigh and said. If you guys do something unholy please keep it at
least and do it somewhere else. Sighing tiredly.

We didn't do anything YET right Rin? Shoyo ask in a sweet voice with an innocent smile.

Suna blushed and buried his face on Shoyo's chest which the latter chuckled earning a soft smack on his chest. Shoyo just patted Suna's head and kissed his forehead which the latter return a soft smile.

And seeing that scene is wholesome. But of course not for our simps who look like done with their life.

Aran is just sighing and sighing and shaking his head while face palming.

Kita bite his lips and look down. Trying to think different scenarios to clear up his mind and wonder if off somewhere else.

Atsumu and Osamu are silently cursing Suna while having an unreadable expressions in their faces.

Akagi just pout and sit with crossed arm on the benches.

Ginjima then followed Akagi and do the same thing.

Rizeki just sigh and patted Akagi's and Ginjima's back trying to comfort his teammates.

Omimi just look at everyone and decide to go to Aran and patted his left shoulder.

Ren get in between the twins and patted their heads softly.

The atmosphere in the gym is now depressing.

Common guys it's not like I won't date you and do this things or more when were dating? Shoyo said teasingly which the coaches face palm and Aran give Shoyo "what the hell" look.

And with that the depressing aura vanished as swift as a wind.

Everyone in the gym tackles the two except the coaches of course but started interrogating them.


Hinata Harem (Top Hinata) On -goingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon