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August 22, 2010

"Hey Lisa. How you been holding up?" Cathy asked. It's been 4 months since I've seen her and Mr. Tim. I honestly forgot they were on the visitors list. My belly has been poking up now that I'm 7 months and it's harder to hide it. I honestly stopped trying to hide it because it doesn't change the fact that I am pregnant.

"Fine. I'm getting a new foster home soon so." I shrugged. Leslie and Antonio are going to adopt me and the process is nearly done. They said in another 4 or 5 months they should have everything ready. But for now they're using there home as a foster home so I can stay there.

"You are?" Tim asked surprised.

"Yeah. They wanna adopt me so for now they're making their home into a foster home." I nodded, holding my stomach.

"That's great. Are they nice people?" I nodded, really not having much to say to them.

"Why are you really here? I haven't seen you guys in four months and holidays have passed where you could have came to visit me. You don't work on weekends either Mrs. Cathy and you have Wednesdays off Mr. Tim. So what's the real reason for your visit?" Honestly their uncomfortable posture was giving it away. They weren't here to check up on me at all.

"We know that Devon has been sneaking off after to school to come see you." Cathy sighed, finally about to get whatever she had off her chest.

"We have told him multiple times to not come here or to see you because it's dangerous but he won't listen to us."

"So you want me to tell him to not come and see me. Is that it?" They didn't say anything.

Having a child do an adults dirty work is sad and pathetic. After being in here, I learned a lot of shit. These two are pitiful and sad. I used to wish they were my parents but after seeing them for who they really are, I realized that I'm lucky they aren't my parents.

"Alright." They didn't smile but I could tell they wanted to.

"Thank you."


"This is your bedroom. It's right beside mine and Jakayla's room so if you need anything, just come on in and ask." Antonio showed me to my new room. It was a yellow color and looked like a dorm room. The ones you see on tv.

"Thank you." He nodded and let me get unpacked. I was a little happy and excited to see what was in store for me. I decided to get my GED instead of doing online school. I know that when the baby's born I won't have time for it.

I go get a check up tomorrow to see if the baby's doing okay. I honestly didn't want to know the gender so I've been telling them to just check the vitals. I've been, avoiding, wanting to know the gender because I am scared it will be a boy.

"Hello?" I answered my cell phone that Devon gave me. It was probably him calling me now.

"How's your day going?"

"I'm at a new foster home and I'm doing another baby check to make sure it's okay." I sat on the bed, feeling the covers. They were so soft.

"You don't sound happy. What's on your mind?"

"Your parents came to the foster house, right before I was bout to leave." Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure they knew I was leaving today. It can't be a coincidence that they came a hour before I was posed to leave.

"They did?"

"Mhm." I rubbed my stomach, feelin little kicks.

"What they say?" He sounded tired.

"They want me to tell you to stop seein me cuss you won't listen to them." He sighed. It was silent for a lil minute. Both of us stuck in thought.

"I'm not gone do that." I knew he would say that because he's stubborn.

"Focus on school kid. The new school year done started too, it's okay to not come see for a bit." I know he would never go for that but I need him to graduate on time. Not get stuck playin step daddy.

"Lisa." He sighed.


"Get some rest. Make sure to eat. I'll text you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Okay." We hung up. I sat there, in a daze because it'll be a while before I see him again. By that time I'd have the baby already. Hopefully I'll have a job by then.

Sighing, I laid down and just thought about everything. Things are moving so fast for me and I can't make time stop. It's so hard to not think about all the what ifs and shit like that. I was upset that the little time I had left to enjoy me youth is just gone.

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