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It's been 3 months since I got here and Lo been keeping me busy. After that shit with Jones, I haven't said a word bout how he and K is undercover cops, I don't need them comin after me or my kid if shit goes south.

{Flash Back: 3 months ago}

Sitting in Jones car, parked infront of my house I wanted to kill this Nigga but I couldn't. I felt like I was being suffocated back at the cabin; even now while I'm wrapped in this blanket, I felt like my throat was being squeezed so hard that my neck could snap.

"You gone get out?"

"You gone tell me what you did that shit for?"

"Be grateful I ain't torture you. Now I know yo intentions and you know we cops, I trust you'll keep that shit to yoself." I chuckled a bit, wondering how he knew I wouldn't tell Lo.

"I won't tell Lo you and K yall undercover cops. When shit hits the fan, imma be long gone cuss i got someone I need to get back to." I got the car, clutchin the blanket.


Walking towards the house, I saw a car in the drive way? It wasn't one of Lo's cars either. It was navy and tinted on all windows. Going towards the door, it was already unlocked.

"You at least could lock the door." I told the dumb muthafuckas that was in the house.

"How you know someone was in yo house?" Someone I ain't recognize came from the kitchen corner.

"Only a stupid muthafucka would park in the driveway to a house that's not theirs." I went to my room, Lo and Quincy waiting for me on the edge of my bed.

"How yo date with Jones go?" Lo asked, while Q Looked me up and down.

"Too late to ask that. " I grabbed some fresh clothes and went to the bathroom to  shower. After finishing up, I put on the new clothes and threw my dirty ones in a trash bag to wash later.

"What'chu gone do with those?" One of Lo's boys asked.

"Wash'em." Going towards the laundry room, I threw them there with the rest of the bags, even the ones that had my ripped clothes and towel in it from the lake house.

"That's why I'm asking now." Q and Lo came in, following me from the laundry room to the kitchen.

"I got knocked out, woke up tied up and they found out some shit." Thinkin bout what Jones asked and what I told them, what they saw... it made me feel like I was being chocked again.

"What you told them?" Lo stood beside me, grabbing the knife from my hands and cutting up the corn I was finna cut up.

"I'll tell you later."


Sitting at the table with Lo and Q, we were drinkin and playin cards. Q suck at gambling and Lo too good.

"Tonk." I showed my cards. They smacked they teeth and I smiled, taking they money.

"Imma Shuffle cuss you cheating." Q grabbed the cards and started shuffling.

"You just bad at playin." I stood up and grabbed the empty glass of cognac, putting it in the sink, I grabbed the last bottle of cognac I had then went back to the table.

"Why I feel like you looked at my cards?" I poured everybody's drink then sat down and put $10 on the table.

"I ain't no cheata." He looked at me, a small smirk on his face. It was funny how easy he was to read, he ain't see me as a threat no more. I been working with them for bout 3 months and they done got too comfortable round but it dont Botha me much.

"You gone stop beatin round the bush and tell me what happened?" Lo put one of his cards down, pickin up one from the deck. I stayed silent for a bit, contemplating on whether or not I wanted to relieve that shit.

"You gone ask Jones if I don't tell you?" I picked up the card he threw down, droppin the one I didn't need.

"Nope. I wanna hear it from the horses mouth." He drank some of his cognac, starin at me and waiting.

"He took me to some lake house, said his family owned it befor it was burned down. Then he knocked my ass out. Woke up tied to a chair about to be tortured. I wished he woulda shocked me instead." I drank my cognac, down in it before Q asked what he did.

"He cut my clothes off and saw some shit he wasn't supposed to see." I poured some more cognac, annoyed with this whole conversation.

"If it's that ass, I'm sure he was happy after." W and Lo dapper each other up, laughin a bit. Standing up, I lifted my shirt up and showed them the marks. Q and Lo both stopped laughing and just stared at me. Puttin my shirt down, I sat back in my seat and poured me some more cognac.

"What the fuck happened?"

"I got raped when I was 15. Dude was sick now he dead."

After downin my cognac, I laid my head on the table and just let the tears roll. What else could I do at this point. I wanted to forget that shit but I couldn't, how could I when my kid was the after math.

"That's how you got yo kid?" Lo asked.

"Yeah. I was 15 when that shit happened, love my kid though." I sniffled and heaved a bit, wiping my face.

"You killed the Nigga that did that?"

"Shot that Nigga dead. My son got his eyes." Standing up, I grabbed our cups and took them to the sink, standin over it and heavin some more.

You regret it?" I looked over at Q while he blew smoke out his mouth, handin me the blunt.

"Puttin a bullet in his dome? No." I declined it, sittin up and leanin against the sink.

"Then toughen up wit' all that cryin shit. You put that Nigga 6 feet under, hold yo head up high and own that shit."

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