Chapter 43 - Execution

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"Welcome one and all to today's historic occasion, one that will surely go down in the history books!"

The day had come. Today was the day Lucas and Clive were to be executed, and pay for their sins. The attack felt like forever ago now, but with this we can put that behind us, and move on with our lives, one less thing on our chest.

"As everyone here knows, the two boys, Lucas Wykes and Clive Graves have committed a heinous crime, an attempt on the lives of both the current Princess and future Prince of Elenoir!" The individual on stage spoke through a sound amplifying artifact.

He reminded me of the presenter on the day of the Auction House. A boisterous voice, a plump and well fed belly, and a slim fitting suit, topped off with some poor excuse of a top hat. The crowds watched on anxiously, yet with pride.

It felt weird seeing mothers and children attending such an event, but I suppose in a world where death is commonplace, it won't really phase them much.

Myself, along with Tessia, Sylvie, mom, dad, Ellie, Alduin, Merial and gramps have been assigned a special viewing platform to witness the death of those two. We stood atop a wooden structure across to the side, Alea and Aya accompanying the Elven rulers as always.

Looking in the corner of my eye, Aya watched me carefully, as if looking for an opportunity to speak. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had matters to attend to with her.

Tess and I watched the man talk away in boredom, already being pleased enough by our torture session. Mom was clinging onto dad's sleeve, a little nervous about the whole ordeal, and Ellie jumped around with Sylvie without a care in the world.

"And for the crimes they have committed, they have both been judged! Judged by our own Council!" Roars erupted from the crowd in praise of their respective kings and queens.

Alduin and Merial approached the balcony as many in the crowd bowed in respect. They stood for a few moments, waving before taking a step back and going back to watching the 'presenter'.

"With our respects being paid, please bring up the prisoners!" His voice boomed through the streets as two hooded figures emerged from a doorway across from the staged platform.

If it wasn't already enough, the two of them were about to be put on display via a walk of shame through the crowds, getting stoned as they walked along. It was really hard to tell, as they wore large white robes, but portions of their skin was still visibly bruised and burnt.

The hooded figures behind them both wore the same type of hood Agrona wears whilst staying incognito. So my best guess was that they were either Scythes or Retainers, tasked with watching over them.

As they began to walk, shouts and insults were hurled at them, every known profanity known to man, and every curse imaginable being laid upon their souls.

That's why you don't fuck with the people I love.

They both walked at a crawl's pace, limping with both legs, devoid of any emotion. And to be honest, I couldn't blame them. They had both had the ever living shit beaten out of them, only to be told there was no hope for their own lives, and that their fates were, in fact, sealed.

Eyes stayed glued to the floor, wrists chained up in front of them, and a collar around their glass necks, a chain leading from it to their respective handler.

"They look like doggies." Eliie commented out of the blue, making me stifle a laugh. Looking around, I wasn't the only one.

"Fortunately, even dogs get better treatment than these scum." Dad rustled with my sister's hair playfully as she giggled.

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