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WE WEREN'T SAYING has been completed last May 20, 2022, here in Wattpad with thirty-five chapters, all of which were in Kate's POV.

To read Van's side, you may proceed to Novelah, Finovel, or StoryOn for the chapters written in his point of view (you may check my profile for the link or just search the title's story on the said platforms). There were a total of five chapters of Van's POV on the mentioned platforms so I hope you can read it as those may help you learn who Van is and his story.

Although those were only a snippet of his side, I was able to write the specific parts I wanted you to read.

In the future, if I will have more time, I will write and post a detailed version of Van's chapters. It may not be soon but I will surely do it. So if you can, I hope you'll wait for it. I still have many words to say in Van's form yet, unfortunately, I don't think time will permit that any sooner.

Thank you.

- ergofiat

WE WEREN'T SAYINGWhere stories live. Discover now