Part 3

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Tails and Silver entered the room a bit curious, they really felt more confident after their talk with the principal. But that new confidence would be stripped from them soon enough.

The whole class stared at them as they walked in, some of the students were whispering, Silver could only understand one word in the buzzing of whispers. Silver blushed a bit as he heard the word "cuties" being spoken by two girls at the front. "Thank you for bringing them Mrs Rose. I will let you know how it al went."

Mrs Rose winked at Silver and Tails before closing the door.

"As I was just saying," Ms Tikal continued towards the students,"This year we have two new students, two younger students, added to our class." Silver waved a bit awkwardly at the students in the class as they were being introduced by their teacher. "Daw just look at that" one of them whispered and Silver quickly put down his hand and stared at the ground trying to hide their face. Ms Tikal noticed how nervous Silver was getting, she stood behind them and placed her hand on their shoulders to back them up. "Would you two like to introduce yourself?" Tikal asked. Tails was the first one to speak as he always had been more upbeat than Silver.

"Hi there," He started and look around through his new classmates. "I'm Miles, but everybody always calls me Tails the fox because of my extra tail, obviously. I'm a boy, 16 years old and I'm really excited to start this new challenge, I will mostly be studying in the direction of animatronics and robotics." The students looked at him with mixed feelings, some seemed impressed but others smiled a bit sarcastically as they knew how hard that field of study was going to be. Tails looked over at Silver to encourage them to introduce theirself as well. Silver swallowed as he looked through the classroom and back to the ground, "hi I'm silver" he started with a small voice not looking at anyone. "Speak up, we can't hear you!" someone at the back shouted but he was out of sight. Silver looked up a bit shocked and took a deep breath to calm theirself down. Tikal gave the student at the back a stern look. "Hi, I'm Silver," they spoke acting a bit more self assured, "I'm 15 years old, almost 16. Unlike Tails I'm not so sure about my field of study yet, s-so I will be participating in all the courses." Now there was more mumbling in the class as there was nobody in their class who has ever done all the courses at the same time.

"And what are you?" The voice at the back shouted again. "Ow yeah s-sorry, I'm a hedgehog," Silver explained. "That's not what I meant!" Some students started to look towards the back of the class, as the students in front moved Silver could spot the student who was shouting from the back. The dark hedgehog from the stairs was sitting at the back of the class. He had his feet on the table and had his chair tipped back balanced on two chair legs. Silver looked a bit shocked as they didn't expect to be in the same mentor class as this guy. "Are you a boy or a girl?" he added, he didn't really seem interested in the answer but was smirking as he liked the idea of only making this new youngster uncomfortable. Tails looked at Silver concerned. "That's enough Shadow!" Tikal yelled as she slammed het desk.

"What? it's just a normal question" He said shrugging his shoulders

"Don't be so rude, sit down and get your feet off the table, I don't think you want to get detention on the first day of school" The dark hedgehog rolled his eyes and set his chair back on all fours with a bang while taking his feet off the table.

Silver felt more confident as Tikal was standing up for him, Silver wanted to start to say something, but...

"You don't have to answer that question, if you don't want to" Tikal whispered to Silver. Silver smiled softly at her still with a blush on their face and nodded.

"Thank you" Silver replayed softly, only so Ms Tikal and Tails could hear. Tails squeezed Silvers shoulder to try and comfort Silver a bit. The class turned silent and looked back at the front of the classroom again, they looked at Silver questioningly, as they were starting to wonder the same as Shadow.

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