Part 34

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"Dad, I think the equipment is broken," Tails had plugged everything back in but it didn't work. His dad came over and had a look, he unscrewed one of the devices and smoke escaped,

Amadeus started to cough, "It's completely fried, that's weird, a normal malfunction couldn't have caused this."

"Are you guys coming for dinner?" Mrs Prower asked.

They all went into the kitchen.

"So does that mean you lost all the data?" Silver asked.

"I'm afraid so," Tails said disappointed. "We should probably try it again some other time."

"That's a shame, but at least you still have your notes," Silver suggested.

"It's something."

Mrs Prower had prepared a lovely dinner with spaghetti, red sauce, some meatballs on the side for those who want and an arugula salad.

"It smells really good," Shadow said.

"Just wait until you taste it, Ms Prower's cooking is so good!" Silver said.

"Ow it's nothing," She said modest.

"You should really taste her risotto someday, that's my favourite!"

They all started to scoop the food onto their plates and everybody was passing the pots and pans. "It's so good!" Silver said with their mouth full.

"It sure is, thank you for letting me stay for dinner," Shadow thanked Mrs and Mr Prower.

"Well of course, a friend of Silver's is a friend of ours," Mrs Prower said. Silver smiled bright at Shadow who was sitting next to them. Silver took Shadows hand underneath the table.

"And besides, if you hadn't come along I would still have the problem with my prototype. So this is the least we can do," Amadeus said.

After a while Shadow took the bowl with spaghetti, "Here Silver you should take some more," He said.

"But I had enough," Silver said.

Shadow scoped some more on Silver's plate, "You are far too skinny."

"That's what I always say," Mrs Prower chuckled.

"That's too much!" Silver said as there was a plate full of spaghetti in front of them.

"Just eat it," Shadow said as he knew Silver always ate only leftovers from others and Silver should now take advantage to eat more now that there was decent food in front of them. "Or I will feed you like a little kid," Shadow threatened.

"Okay okay," Silver took a mouth full, "See I'm eating it."

When they were done eating, Silver asked if they could practise some more with the instruments before leaving. Of course that was okay, so Tails and Silver went over to de living room. Mr Prower went back to the barn to prepare for his presentation tomorrow and Shadow offered to help Mrs Prower with the dishes because he really wanted to talk to her.

Mrs Prower was cleaning the dishes and Shadow was drying them.

"You must be a good boyfriend to Silver, I never seen them so happy before," Rosemary commented.

Shadow smiled, "Well I'm trying to be, Silver really is something," He said and looked toward the living room where Silver was trying out the violin some more. Silver saw Shadow looking, they smiled and waved. Shadow waved back.

"I've heard you just found out about Silver being non-binary, that must have been difficult," Mrs Prower said.

"Well it sure was a surprise to be honest," Shadow chuckled, "I still really need to get used to the idea but I think Silver is worth it. They are very special."

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