Part 122

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Before Silver entered the front yard to ring the doorbell, they grabbed Espio by his collar and pulled him into the bushes. Espio's eyes widened in surprise as Silver pressed their lips against his. Espio smiled at them when Silver backed away.

"I will pick you up at ten," Espio whispered, he stroked their cheek and softly pressed one last kiss on their lips.

Silver smiled bright with a slight blush on their cheeks, "See you tonight," they whispered back as they got back up to go to the front door. Just as they stepped into the front yard Silver turned around, "oh and Es..." Silver looked confused as Espio was gone.

"Yes?" they heard Espio's voice.

Silver chuckled as Espio had apparently gone invisible as he didn't want to raise Tails' suspicion about them. "I love you," Silver whispered with a smile in the direction Espio's voice came from. Silver quickly turned around and ran to the front door and rang the bell. Silver looked behind them with a soft smile as they figured that Espio would probably stay to watch until Silver was inside.

Espio smiled softly as he saw Mrs Prower greeting Silver with a tight hug. One last time Silver looked towards Espio and slightly waved while Mrs. Prower closed the door. Espio sighed and stayed still for a moment as he thought about how lucky he was to have spent this fun day together with Silver. Silver had given him a lot of positive energy and to have them say those words to him felt amazing. He didn't expect Silver to say those words so soon, but it felt great. He also felt grateful to know that Silver didn't say those words because of his money. They just looked so proud when they paid for the tailcoat theirself, hopefully Silver will never find out how much it really cost. He lifted the hangers with both their outfits, which were tucked away in a protective waterproof cover, over his shoulder and walked back to his dorm.


"Silver's here!" Mrs Prower shouted up the stairs.

"BE THERE IN A BIT!" Tails shouted back.

"I told him to clean his room," Mrs Prower said with a wink. "How have you been? I've heard from Tails you did amazing at the party again. I even saw some video's. It was really fun to see you dance on stage, you have so much confidence when you're on stage. I'm so proud of you!" she said with a proud smile, "Would you like some tea?"

"Thank you, I would love some tea," Silver said following Mrs Prower to the kitchen where they sat down at the table. "The performance sure was fun," Silver said but they went quiet as they said it.

Mrs. Prower watched Silver as she waited for the water to come to a boil. She frowned and saw their sloppy clothes which they hadn't worn in a while and how tired they looked. "Is everything okay?" she asked concerned.

Silver let out a deep sigh and looked down at their hands. "Well... Shadow and I broke up," they whispered.

"What?" she spoke shocked. "Why did you two break up? You two seemed so happy on your birthday," she quickly sat at the table looking concerned towards Silver.

"I really messed up," Silver whispered, "Friday night I thought Shadow cheated on me, so I was really mad at him, I said some things I shouldn't have said. And well... Sunday I found out that it wasn't Shadow, he didn't cheat on me so I shouldn't have broken up with him."

"Oh honey," Mrs Prower said, "I'm so sorry to hear that. But when you explain it to Shadow, he will probably understand. I'm sure of it. Then you two can get back together." Silver shrugged their shoulders.

She stood up as the water was boiling and she made their tea. Mrs Prower set the mugs on he table and looked at Silver. "What did your parents say about it?" she asked.

Silver gulped, "I've never told them about Shadow."

"You didn't? Why didn't you tell them, they could probably give you a lot of comfort."

How Opposites Meet - ShadilverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ