Part 46

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During lunch Shadow was really quiet.

"Hey Shadow," Silver said while waving a hand in front of his eyes. Shadow blinked and looked confused to Silver.

"Hmm?" he said.

"Are you even listening?"

"Yeah yeah I was," Shadow said absentmindedly.

Silver followed Shadow's line of sight and looked outside to the park bench where Scourge and his gang were sitting. "Why are you looking at that creep?" they asked as they looked over at Mephiles.

"I'm trying to remember where I know him from," Shadow said puzzled.

"Maybe from the mirror?" Silver joked. But Shadow didn't respond. "I really hope you don't know him, have you heard what he's done?"

"Yeah I know," Shadow said, "But still..."

The bell rang, Silver stood up, "Are you coming?" they asked. Shadow stood up and he followed them to the digital skills class. They took their place in the middle of the class. The gang shuffled in and moved to the back passing Shadow and Silver.

"Hey gaylord," Scourge whispered to Shadow.

In a flash Shadow stood up and grabbed Scourge by his collar, "Shut your fucking mouth." Scourge grinned as it was just so easy to get Shadow angry.

"SHADOW LET GO OF SCOURGE AND SIT DOWN," the teacher commanded loudly.

He pushed Scourge away and let go of him. The gang moved to the back, Silver and Shadow looked as they took their place and grinned over at Shadow. They turned on their computers while the lesson started

Silver looked over at Shadow who still looked angry. "Don't let him get to you, you know he's only saying that to get under your skin," Silver whispered to Shadow.

"I just hate that guy," Shadow said, still angry.

"I don't like him either," Silver said back, they went quiet for a bit, "Shadow?" Silver asked softly.


"Do you sometimes wish I was a girl?" Silver asked curious.

Shadow looked over at Silver, "You're perfect the way you are." he responded.

Silver looked doubtful, "But it would have made it easier for you, wouldn't it?"

Shadow sighed and looked away, "Maybe..."

Silver looked to their screen, "I'm sorry, I'm not normal," they whispered.

Shadow looked shocked at Silver, "Don't say that ever again. Like I said, 'you're perfect the way you are,' I wouldn't change anything about you. Would it have made it easier? Yes it probably would have. Do I want you to be? No I don't," Shadow smiled at Silver.

Silver smiled softly back. Shadow stroked their cheek. "You shouldn't doubt yourself. Besides why should you even want to be normal, that's just boring. The way you are is just unique, exciting and colourful," Shadow encouraged them.

Silver blushed a little and smiled at Shadow, "Do you really mean that?"

"Every word," Shadow said with a wink and lifted their chin to press a kiss against their lips. It was quiet in the classroom. They pulled away and smiled at each other, Silver looked around a little confused as it was so quiet. Almost all the students were staring at them, some with their mouth open, some with a confused expression and a girl at the back just started to giggle. Only Sonic didn't look surprised as he already knew and the dark gang didn't look at all. Silver's cheeks turned a bright red colour.

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