Part 160

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"So you and Espio hm...?"

Silver gulped but kept quiet as they stared to their knees. It wouldn't surprise them if D'Coolette could hear their heart beating as the adrenaline and all types of questions were going through their head. "Why would a therapist also work for the army? Does Shadow know that? Well it was a good thing Espio did call in t.... How does he even know I'm here? Where is he?"

"I asked you a question," the stern voice of D'Coolette snapped them out of their thoughts. They looked a little shocked up at her. She raised an eyebrow, "So you have moved on with Espio?"

"N-No, no no," they said quickly, "I haven't moved on... uhm well, yes... I've moved on, but not with Espio, h-he.. uhm... He's just a friend," they replied nervously as their eyes were scanning the place wondering how they could leave the best.

"Silver, you don't have to lie to me," she said with a kind smile, "I'm your friend. So... are you happy with him."

"Yes... NO!! Well yes a friend," They cleared their throat, "Could we maybe talk about something else?" They took one of the cushions and fiddled nervously with the fabric.

"Oh yes of course," she said and rested her back against the back of her seat. Silver sighed relieved. "So how is everything going with your powers?" Silver dropped their ears and bit their lip uncomfortable as this was not a subject they wanted to discuss after Espio's call. "Have you learned to control it already?"

Silver shook their head and carefully fiddled with the locks on their cuffs. Their hands felt sweaty, they could curse theirself for getting in this situation. Their eyes moved at the clock, what was taking Espio so long?

D'Coolette leaned forwards and looked interested at their cuffs, "What are those?" she asked as she looked at the locks.

"Can I please go?" Silver whispered.

"Silver, you seemed very troubled," she said trying to sound concerned, "I don't think it well be a good idea for you to leave right now, when you're like this."

"I'm all good," they said and forced a smile on their face. "Please, I-I need to go to my work," they stood up from the couch to make their way to the door but D'Coolette quickly stood in front of them and laid an arm on their shoulder and roughly pushed them back on the couch.

"No, you, talk!"

Silver gulped as they looked with fear into her stern emerald eyes which suddenly didn't look as friendly as they did before.


"Good afternoon, how can I-" Agnes said with a sweet smile as Espio entered the practise. "Sir?" she said and stood up for het chair as Espio passed her and went towards D'Coolette's office with an angry expression on his face. "Sir you can't just enter, D'Coolette is in the middle of a session," she said quickly and went after him. "SIR!" she said stern as Espio kept ignoring her.

"Stay out of this," Espio said stern and opened the door to see D'Coolette sitting on the couch next to Silver who quickly looked up at him.

"How dare you bursting into my session!" D'Coolette growled.

"I'm sorry I tried to stop him," Agnes said who walked into the room after Espio who walked to Silver and grabbed their arm to force them to stand. They gulped nervous as Espio held their arm tightly and the way he looked toward D'Coolette made them shiver.

"Let go of my patient," D'Coolette said stern.

"Silver isn't your patient!" Espio said, "come on, we have to go," he said and pushed Silver gently towards the door.

Silver gulped nervous, "I-I'm uhm..." they whispered, "I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay, are you good?" he asked concerned.

"Don't forget what I told you," D'Coolette spoke behind them, "you will always be welcome here."

Silver gulped and quickly walked after Espio to leave the building. He was still holding their arm pretty tight which make it a little uncomfortable to walk with him.

"U-uhm Es, c-could you please let go of my arm," Silver whispered a little awkwardly. Their ears flattened a they noticed how angry Espio looked but as soon Silver said that his expression faded and he did let go of them, but he didn't say anything.

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