Part 145

316 6 155

Espio silently placed a kiss on Silver's forehead, who turned under the covers in their sleep. Espio smiled softly at them and placed a small origami swan on the nightstand before he silently left the dorm. He wrapped a scarf around his neck as he came outside. It was still dark out and very cold, his breath was shown in the air. He rubbed his hands and sat on his motorcycle. Taking out his leather cloves from the glove compartment on his bike he put them on before driving off.

The cold air woke him up some more, he did have a good night sleep but still felt pretty broken after such a long training day. He hated to go to the base this early and so soon after the last time. But he felt like he really should take these orders seriously as he didn't want to upset his father even more.

It was quiet at the base, their was a guard at the entrance letting him through but on his way to the training area he didn't bump into anyone. He came in earlier than necessary but hoped this could maybe make up for his behaviour and disappointment.

He changed into his sport outfit and went inside of the big gym where it was all quiet and empty. He took a cup of coffee from he coffee machine and waited. He looked at the clock and noticed it was already 8.30 and his father still hadn't showed. At that point he realised his father was probably getting late on purpose to make him wait, like Espio had his father waiting for him the day before. He stood up from the table and thought if his father was letting him wait he could better get started, maybe his father could appreciate that.


Silver yawned and stretched under the covers. They moved their hand to search for Espio, but opened their eyes a little confused as they noticed Espio wasn't in the bed with them. They sat up in the bed to see Espio wasn't in the bedroom, "Espio?" they said and rubbed their eyes, but nobody answered. They wanted to take their phone to look at the time and knocked over the origami swan Espio had placed there for them. Silver looked confused at it and held it to look at it more up close. They smiled softly as it was nicely crafted, they noticed writing on the paper. They felt a little troubled as they wanted to read what Espio had written but therefore needed to unfold the swan. Slowly they unfold the swan.

'Good morning beautiful,

I hope you had a good night sleep. I'm sorry you have to wake up alone, I wish I could stay with you this morning but I need to go to work early. I didn't wake you as you looked far too sweet and you probably need your rest.
The keys will be on the kitchen block, I'm sorry but I will probably be home late again as there is something I need to do after my training. So please don't wait for me for dinner.
See you tonight, I love you.


Silver frowned, 'What does he need to do after work?' they thought as it was a Sunday. 'Oh well if it was important, he would probably have told me,' they thought and got out of the bed to get ready for work.


Espio wiped the sweat from his forehead as he had finished his 7 miles run. He felt a lot more energetic compared to the day before and didn't have to use his inhaler the whole morning. He looked at the time and was surprised at his performance. He smiled proudly as he took a sip from his water bottle. 'It's a shame nobody's present to witness it,' he thought as he felt like he had made a complete fool out of himself the other day.

He pulled on his boxing gloves and started on the boxing pillow, to continue his training by himself. He controlled his breathing perfectly and moved light on his feet as he threw some kicks and punches. He felt startled as he heard some noise close behind him, he quickly turned and kicked, but his foot was stopped midair.

"That's better," a voice said.

Espio breathed frustrated as his father appeared holding his foot right next to his face.

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