Part 126

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"ESPIO THERE ARE MORE CHILDREN IN THE ATTIC!" Marlin shouted afraid as he ran towards him.

Espio turned towards the house in shock, "SHADOW, WE NEED TO GET THEM OUT!" Shadow took Rough by the collar and lifted him off the ground. "SHADOW, THERE IS NO TIME," Espio said frustrated as he saw his attention still focused on Rough. Shadow grunted as he pinned Rough against the tree the rat was pinned onto. Shadow lifted the knife and slammed it through Rough's shoulder who shouted in pain.

"Stay here," Shadow whispered angry as he stuck him against the tree.

Espio looked relieved. He ripped a sleeve from his jacket as he ran into the house and pressed the cloth against his mouth to filter the air. He started to sweat and his eyes were irritated by the smoke. He heard Shadow coming in after him.

A scream was heard from upstairs. As they ran up the stairs Espio tuned his ear piece in on another channel. "Father, I need back up, now!"


"How is it going?" Mr Power asked carefully as he came out to the porch. Mrs Prower still rocked the chair slightly. She smiled softly at him and moved the blanket a little to show him that Silver had fallen asleep against her chest. "They must be missing their parents a lot," he said endearing as he saw how peaceful Silver was laying.

"I wonder when the last time was Silver has seen their parents," Mrs Prower whispered as she didn't want to wake Silver. "The more I think about it, I can't remember the last time Silver said their parents were home."

Mr Prower sat next to her on a chair and looked at Silver. "I can't remember either." Mr Prower looked at her husband, who sighed as he noticed the way she was looking at him. "I know what you're thinking," he said, but he shook his head. "We can't just take them away from their real parents."

Mrs Prower frowned, "How would this be taking away, if they're never home to raise their own child?"

"I know, but it isn't our place to tell other parents how to raise their children," he responded calmly.

"How can you say that?" she whispered a little frustrated.

Mr Prower shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, I know how much you miss Mina and how much you wanted a second child but-"

"That has nothing to do with this," she said stern, "Not anymore, I just want what's best for Silver." Mr Prower went quiet as he thought about it. "It isn't fair that Silver doesn't have their parents around much. They deserve better. Silver needs them to take care of them, especially now with their powers and what happened with Shadow."

Silver shifted on her lap. They both quickly went quiet hoping Silver didn't hear their conversation. They yawned and looked up at Mrs Prower a little sleepy, they blushed a little and quickly sat up. "Oh, I'm sorry," Silver apologised slightly embarrassed, "I-I didn't mean to-"

Rosemary smiled down at them, "It's okay, I didn't want to wake you up," she said endearing. "Did you have a nice little nap?"

Silver smiled a little embarrassed, "Y-yeah I did," they said as they slid from Mrs Prower's lap and stood up. Their smile faded as they looked embarrassed at Tails' parents. "I-I'm sorry," Silver whispered and quickly went back into the house.

Mrs Prower sighed relieved that Silver hadn't heard them talk about them.


"STAND BACK!" Shadow shouted through the door as they heard the screams from the other children. He kicked open the door which was burning.

"We're going to get you out of here!" Espio said to the children. "Put your shirt over your mouth and nose so you don't inhale the smoke!" he instructed.

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