Part 14

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Silver really liked the music lesson, but the attention isn't really something they felt comfortable with. Before focussing on the school band the teacher let Silver try out a violin and a harp with the same results. Silver really enjoyed listening when the band was practising for the evening, they sounded really good. Silver couldn't stop theirself from looking over at Shadow, it was just nice to see him playing so concentrated, he played acoustic and electric guitar which really suits him but also harmonica for some reason. Sonic played the drums which he did very well, especially his drum solos were impressive.

Even though the teacher was overly excited about Silver's natural talent she still thought it would be a good idea for them to learn how to read sheet music. And since Silver didn't have an instrument of their own she gave them a wooden flute they could borrow to practise with.

After school Silver ran happily towards Tails' house as they couldn't wait to tell him.

"Hi Mrs Prowers!" Silver spoke excitedly and didn't really wait for her to tell them to come in.

"Tails is in the living room," she replied when Silver passed her.

"Oh Tails you won't believe what just happened!"

"What?" Tails asked and looked away from the TV.

"I can play music!"

"Well duh, isn't that the whole point of a music class?" he replied.

"Yeah I know but this is different, just listen, may I?" Silver asked and pointed to the piano against the wall. Tails nodded and got up on his knees on the couch to watch what Silver was doing. Silver walked over to the piano, sat down on the stool and started on the piece they tried before by Mozart. The music filled the room with warm feelings, Tails stood up and went over to Silver in amazement. Mr and Mrs Prower came in to see where the music came from and they looked absolutely flabbergasted. Silver continued till the piece they learned came to an end and looked up at Tails who was standing there with his mouth open. It was quiet for a bit.

"How is that possible?" Tails whispered.

"I don't really know. The teacher played some music and I just repeated it."

"Kid, I think you might be a virtuoso," Tails' dad said. Silver and Tails were a bit startled as they didn't know Tails' parents were watching.

"I'm a what?" Silver asked.

"A virtuoso," he repeated, but since neither Silver nor Tails looked like they understood he started to explain. "A virtuoso is a person who can simply listen to music and play it exactly how it is even if they don't have any experience playing a musical instrument or reading sheet music. Elton John had the same thing."

"But how is that possible?" Silver asked.

"It all has to do with your brain function, it more or less means you can visualise sounds."

"That's so cool!" Tails said enthusiastically.

"Have you tried other instruments?" Amadeus sked eagerly.

Silver nodded, "I've tried a guitar, violin and a harp today."

"And it all went flawless?"

Silver nodded, "Well except for the guitar, but that was because I forgot a piece of the music which was played." Silver blushed slightly, but didn't really know why.

"That's amazing," Amadeus whispered. Mrs Prower was still standing in the doorway, she had tears in her eyes.

"Is everything okay Mrs Prower?" Silver asked as they looked over at her.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's nothing. I-It's just, it is the first time someone played that piano ever since my father passed away."

"Oh I'm sorry," Silver quickly stood up and closed the piano, feeling guilty for using it. "I didn't know."

"Oh, no that's not it, it was beautiful Silver. When I was young my father was always practising the Piano Sonata but he could never master it. When you played that song all the memories came back, I haven't thought of it in a while," she smiled at Silver endeared. "You can come over and practise as much as you like," she said.

"Thank you," Silver replied with a soft smile.

"It's funny what music can do," Mr Prower said as he hugged his wife. Silver went silent for a bit as they watched how sweet Tails' parents were together. Silver hadn't seen their parents doing that in such a long time, that they felt a bit home sick.

Tails also looked at his parents with a smile. "Silver, I have an idea! Could I maybe one day scan your brain while you're practising? I'm just really curious about your brain function when you are playing and listening to music."

"Son that's a great idea!" Amadeus exclaimed, "There aren't many studies on Virtuoso, you might be on to some ground-breaking stuff!"

"Yeah of course you can, that's the least I can do in return for using your piano. I don't really have any instruments at home. Maybe you can come to the music class next week?"

"Yeah that will be cool!"


"Tails! Silver! It's almost time for your party!" Mrs Prower shouted from downstairs. Tails and Silver were in Tails' room getting ready for the party, well getting ready is a big word, they were really playing some more video games to kill the time.

Tails quickly turned off the Nintendo. "That's not fair! I almost had you," Silver yelled.

"Tough luck," Tails said with a grin, Silver just rolled their eyes at him and stood up to go downstairs.

Mrs Prower was a bit nervous, "Please be careful you two. No alcohol and if there is a conflict I want you to call us immediately, we will come and pick you up. If we don't hear anything from you we will pick you up at 1 am."

"Will do," they both replied and Mrs Prower knelt down and hugged them tight.

"Mom, stop it," Tails said, but Silver felt a warm feeling from inside and hugged her back.

"You're both just growing up so fast," she said and did let go of them.

"Come on, let's go," Amadeus grabbed the car keys and they all got in the car and drove off while Mrs Prower stayed at home.

The drive wasn't too long, only 5 or 10 minutes and they stood in front of the event hall that was rented for the introduction party. There were some students waiting outside the front door chatting and smoking. They were already letting some students in, there was a guard at the door who was keeping up with the registrations.

"Don't forget to have fun," Amadeus winked and waited until they were inside before driving off.

"Silver the Hedgehog and Tails Miles Prower," Tails said to the guard who was checking the list.

"Here you go," the guard handed them both a wristband and they went inside. A DJ was already entertaining a few of the guests and on the stage the school band was doing a soundcheck before they would start at 8pm. They saw Sonic on stage looking a bit stressed out, so they walked over to him.

"Hi Sonic, how is it going?" Tails yelled over the DJ's music. Sonic looked over and you could see the stress flow away.

"SILVER! I'm so relieved you're here!" he exclaimed, "We need you."

Silver looked questionable. "What for?"

"Mathilda just called in sick, she has a migraine. Mathilda the band's pianist. You have to fill in."

"What!?" Silver yelled out, "I can't do that! I don't even know the songs and more importantly I only learned to play this afternoon!"

"Who cares, you're a natural and we don't have many songs with piano in tonight's set anyway."

"Can't you do without?"

"No, we can't," Someone behind Silver said. The youngster felt two strong arms wrap around their waist and lift them up onto the stage, Sonic took their hand to made sure Silver didn't fall. Silver turned around and blushed when he saw Shadow was the one who lifted them on stage.

"Really I can't do this I will ruin everything," Silver said as Shadow pulled himself up on stage.

"No you won't," Sonic said.

"You can always try," Tails said encouraging his friend.

Silver swallowed.

"Wouldn't you want to help out a friend?" Sonic said, guilt tripping them.

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