Part 30

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Sonic covered his mouth in shock. He went speechless as he didn't have anymore words he thought would comfort Silver. Sonic went over to Silver, sat down next to them and wrapped an arm around the youngster. Silver gave in and slumped against him, as tears were still flowing. Silver hadn't told anyone before. Sonic wrapped his other arm around the youngster and hugged them tight. Silver closed their eyes and their breathing started to slow down as they were really in need of this comfort. It had been years since someone held them like that, it felt so comfortable.

They sat there for a bit as Sonic comforted Silver. After a while Silver had calmed down and pulled away from Sonics grip. Roughly the youngster wiped away their tears and took another deep breath.

After being quiet for a moment Sonic asked, "Who knows?"

"No one." Silver said shaking their head.

"And Tails?"

Silver shook their head again.

"Why are you keeping this to yourself? You need help."

"Please don't tell anyone about this."

"I can't tell anyone, remember? But you obviously need someone to help you, someone to talk to about this," Sonic said with a caring smile.

"Thank you," Silver said monotonously. Silver sighed as they started to feel a bit better, giving the plush another hug before putting the pieces in their backpack. Somehow the youngster felt a bit relieved for telling Sonic.

"But why can't anybody know?" Sonic asked confused.

"Years ago when I was on my own, I got help, but I got help from the wrong people," Silver went silent for a bit as they didn't want to tell everything, "I just can't trust anyone."

"Why did you tell me?"

"I don't know, it just felt right at the moment," Silver said still monotonous as they shrugged their shoulders.

"Did you tell me everything?" Silver went silent while Sonic waited for an answer, but after a while he knew Silver wasn't going to answer. "I understand, you don't have to tell me everything. But just to remember that I'm here for you, if something is bothering you or you just want to talk with someone, please just let me know, okay?"

Silver nodded. "Thank you for coming after me," they added with a sad smile.

"Not a problem, but I have to say, you should trust your friend, I think Tails needs to know. I won't say anything, but you owe him." Silver gulped and nodded slowly. Sonic stood up and held out a hand to help Silver up. "Do you feel like you could go back to the class?"

Silver shook their head. "I don't want to see anyone right now."

Sonic nodded, "I get it, just go home then. I'll tell the teacher you felt sick and went home."

"Thank you for your help Sonic"

"It's nothing, just make sure you get better and start trusting people,"

Silver smiled a bit awkwardly and nodded.

"Get some rest, I will see you again tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." Silver replied while Sonic picked up their backpack and gave it to them. As Sonic turned around to go back to class. Silver left the college ground.


Everybody was working on their assignment during English class, Shadow and Tails looked up when Sonic entered the room. After he talked with the teacher he came over and took a seat near Tails and Shadow.

"Where is Silver?" Shadow asked before Sonic even sat down.

"Home, Silver is just really upset at the moment. They just want to be alone for now," Sonic said without telling the full story.

"I feel so bad for them, that plush is really important to them," Shadow said.

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