Part 149

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Silver stormed out of the door feeling very rushed because of their fight, which they could have avoided if they would have been honest to their friend from the beginning. There was no way they could tell everything to Tails.

They panted as they ran away from Tails' house and the further they went, they could feel their powers loosing their grip over Tails. They sat down against a tree in the dark park and breathed to calm theirself down, but they started to cry as Silver felt horrible about using their powers against their best friend. They knew they didn't hurt him physically but it was wrong to have done this.

All of a sudden everything went dark, Silver went quiet and they flinched. Their eyelids lowered and a vague expression was shown on their face as a cold hand was placed on their shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?" A cold voice spoke stern. "You should focus on your mission." Mephiles looked down at them with his icy cold look.

"Yes boss," Silver replied in a trance.

"Everything is almost ready, but I can't continue my plan whiteout the last two emeralds."

"Yes boss."

"Keep on going, don't get distracted by those fools," Mephiles said stern. "You need to focus."

"Yes boss," they replied.

"Good," Mephiles whispered.

Silver blinked and wiped their tears away. They were all alone. Silver sighed and stood up from under the tree to go back to the dorm building.


"Good evening Mrs Prower, I come to pick up Silver," Espio said polite as Rosemary opened the door.

"Oh hi, Espio right?" she said unease, he smiled at her and nodded, "Silver already left," she said, she looked worried and confused at Espio.

"Oh, I... uhm... Silver and I agreed that I would pick them up," he said confused.

Mrs Prower sighed, "Miles and Silver had a fight," she confessed.

Espio looked surprised, "About what?"

She shook her head, "Miles didn't tell me everything yet, I just got home myself, he's really shocked about what happened. But Silver had used their powers on Tails."

Espio's eyes widened, "Is he okay? Did he get hurt?" he asked worried

"No, no he didn't get hurt. They only froze him as they left."

Espio sighed relieved, "Do you know where Silver had gone to?" Rosemary shook her head, "Can I talk to Tails for a moment?" She nodded and opened the door further to let him enter.

"Tea?" she asked as she let him to the kitchen where Tails was sitting at the table. He looked very confused as he himself couldn't believe what just had happened.

"That's not necessary, I won't stay long," Espio said, he looked concerned at Tails.

"Well okay, I will be in the living room," she said as she thought it would be better to let them both talk privately.

"What happened?" Espio asked as Mrs Prower left the room. "Why did Silver get upset?"

Tails stood up and closed the kitchen door to be sure his mother wasn't listening. Espio watched curious as he did that and went to sit back at the table.

"Well we hacked into the security camera's from the party location," he whispered to be sure his mother wouldn't here. "Silver wanted to check if Shadow really didn't cheat," he explained as Espio looked questionable. He explained what they had seen and how they talked about their suspicion and theories. How Tails did get upset when Silver didn't answer his questions properly and how it escalated.

Espio looked impressed to hear how Tails did hack the camera's, but started to worry because of what they found and what Tails might think, as Espio knew almost everything about Silver in a short period of time and Tails almost knew nothing about Silver's situation.

How Opposites Meet - ShadilverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora