Part 39

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They slowly pulled away while looking into each other's eyes, Shadow licked his lips. "You make me the luckiest man," he whispered.

Silver giggled nervously. "I'm so happy when I'm around you," they whispered back. Shadow lifted them up from the counter and set them back on their feet while some mushrooms dropped to the ground. "Whoops," Silver quickly bent over to pick up the mushrooms. At this moment it was Shadow's time to blush as Silver accidentally pressed their behind against Shadow while picking up the mushrooms. Shadow stroked it and Silver quickly stood up feeling startled.

"Maybe w-we should finish cooking dinner," Silver said nervously.

Shadow pressed Silver against his body. "I'm so going to pounce on you when you are ready," he whispered.

"I-I just need a-a bit more time, to get used to the idea" Silver said with a red face.

"Of course," Shadow whispered and leaned in to give Silver another kiss.

Silver continued singing and moving on the music while they made dinner together. Shadow just enjoyed watching Silver's movements and hearing their voice. It was so special to see how someone who was living on the streets could have so much fun. You would think that someone in Silver's situation would just be sad and miserable all the time, but they were still just an innocent who tries to make the best of it and see the bright side of life. That was something Shadow really admired about Silver.

"How's this?" Shadow asked holding out a spoon with some of the risotto for them to taste.

Silver tasted it and smiled, "It's perfect!"

Shadow took two plates and started to scoop the risotto onto them. "There is still some left, incase you want to have seconds," he said as he placed the plate in front of Silver who was sitting on the floor.

"I probably will," Silver said with a smile.

Shadow turned off the music, "Would you like to watch a movie?" he asked, Silver nodded, "What would you like to see?"

Silver thought for a moment, "Toy Story," they said with a smile.

"Isn't that a children's movie?" Shadow asked.

"Just because something is animated doesn't mean it is a children's movie," Silver replied.

"Okay, if you say so," Shadow looked up the film on his laptop and pressed play. Together they sat on the floor watching the film and enjoying their meal. "You were right, this risotto is really good." Shadow said.

Silver smiled, "I know what I like," they said, "I think mushrooms are my favourite ingredient."

"Good to know," Shadow said.

When they had finished their dinner, Shadow paused the movie and took the plates to the kitchen.

"Tea?" Shadow asked.

"Yes please."

Silver took the covers from the bed and snuggled underneath it on the floor while Shadow poured a cup of tea for them and a coffee for himself. He walked towards Silver and smiled at how cozy Silver looked, "Is there still some room for me?" Silver lifted the covers for Shadow to take his place, Silver leaned against Shadow under the covers and together they snuggled as they continued watching the movie.

As the end credits rolled Shadow asked "You want to watch part two now?" but Silver didn't respond. "Silver?" He looked down at them and saw Silver had fallen asleep against him, he smiled softly. Without moving too much Shadow carefully pulled Silver's backpack closer, took out Bunny Bun and placed it into Silver's arms. They immediately hugged it tight and a soft smile appeared on their face. Shadow started another film and wrapped an arm around Silver who snuggled some more against Shadow without waking up.

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