Part 104

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Silently Silver sat back in the bed next to Nibbles and watched Espio make some tea in the kitchen, some of the cats were staring at him. Princess Piddle paws walked over the counter and Espio stroked her back.

Carefully Espio set the mug for Silver on the nightstand, "I've made you some of that tea you liked," he said with an endearing smile.

"Thank you," Silver said with a soft smile as their tummy started to rumble.

"I will get you something to eat," Espio said as he noticed their rumbling tummy.

"I don't want to eat."

"You have to, you haven't eaten since yesterday and it is almost afternoon, besides you're far too skinny," he said as he went to the kitchen block.

Silver's eyes widened, "Wait what time is it?"

"It's 11.30."

"Oh no!" Silver said shocked and quickly stood up from the bed. "Arrgh," Silver held their hands to their sides as the sudden movement hurt their stitches.

"Be careful!" Espio said and quickly came over. "Come on, you should rest."

"No no! I need to go to my work, I'm already too late."

"Silver calm down, there is no way you can work after what happened. You should take it easy. It might also not be good for you to lift heavy things for a while. Maybe you should call them to let them know you're sick," slowly he guided them back to the bed and sat them down.

"Maybe you're right, can I use your phone, I think mine is still at Shadow's place." Espio took his phone and gave it to Silver as he turned back to the kitchen to fix them some breakfast. "Thank you," they held the phone to their ear after searching for the number.

"Cosmic Flower, Cosmo speaking, how can I help you?" Cosmo said in a professional way as she answered the phone.

"Hi Cosmo, it's Silver, I'm so sorry I didn't call you sooner."

"Oh hey Silver, it's okay. Shadow already told me you were sick."

"H-he did?" they asked confused.

"Yeah I tried to call you this morning. So he already told me you wouldn't come in today."

"O-okay that's nice of him," Silver said a little awkwardly.

"But it's okay, just make sure you get better soon."

"I will be at work tomorrow," Silver quickly said. Espio turned around with a stern look towards Silver as he shook his head. Silver quickly looked away, "Yeah I will be there, no worries." Espio rolled his eyes frustrated.

"Oh that will be great, it is pretty busy today."

"If you want I can still come for the rest of the day." Espio facepalmed as he heard Silver suggesting it.

"No no, that's not necessary, just make sure you're better soon."

"I will, see you tomorrow," they both wished each other good luck before hanging up.

"Why did you say that?" Espio said frustrated, "You're in no condition to be working."

"I will be better tomorrow," Silver said stubborn.

"No you will not get better in a day after this. You can't lift anything for like a week because of your stitches and mentally you aren't well."

"I just really need the distraction," Silver said upset.

Espio sat down on the side of the bed with a bowl of cereal for Silver, "I understand but it really isn't healthy to do so."

"But I really want to," Silver begged.

Espio sighed, "Well, what if I come as well to help out. To make sure you're being careful and if you need to lift something I will do it for you."

How Opposites Meet - ShadilverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon