Part 152

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Silver sighed as they sat down at their desk in the Electrical Engineering classroom. They felt troubled about Shadow's test result, they hoped they could see Shadow soon again to help him out. They rested their hand in their hand as they stared at the schoolboard, even though Tails sat next to them they felt quite lonely as Espio didn't follow this class and Shadow wasn't present as well. Everything had changed so much since the autumn break, they were so used to Shadow just being by their side and in such a short time they got so attached to Espio. It felt empty.

"Is everything okay?" Tails asked concerned as he looked their direction, while the teacher was starting their lesson.

Silver shrugged their shoulders, "It's okay, I just feel bad for Shadow."

"That's all?"

Silver looked away, "I think I feel a little lonely, even though I'm not."

Tails nodded slightly, "I understand, a lot had happened these day." He looked them up and down, "you really are lost, aren't you?" he asked carefully as he still cared a lot about his best friends wellbeing. Silver kept quiet as they flicked through the pages of their book. "Maybe you could talk to Ms Blaze again? Maybe she can help you understand what it is you're feeling?" he suggested.

Silver made a nonchalant gesture and should their head, "No it's not necessary. I think it's only a snapshot, I actually have been really happy these days," they said with a weak smile and looked to Tails, "I wish Espio could be here as well," the whispered upset.

Silver's eyes suddenly widened startled as they felt something softly grabbing their hand they gasped shocked.

"Shhhh, it's me, I'm here," Espio quietly hushed he softly stroked Silver's hand and smiled endearing even though they couldn't see him.

The both looked surprised towards the direction Espio's voice came from. Tails suppressed a smile as he appreciated the was Espio handled Silver's emotions, he could surely see Espio truly cared for Silver a lot. He turned back to the lesson to give them their privacy.

Espio softly squeezed Silver's hand, "W-what are you doing here?" Silver whispered surprised but a shy smile appeared of their face.

"I promised you," Espio said and softly brushed a quill behind their ear, "I will be at your side as much as possible," he softly stroked Silver's cheek who started to blush.

They smiled towards Espio's direction, it felt weird to be touched by his invisible hand but the way he did felt so nice and sweet, "thank you," they whispered and brushed Espio's hand with their thumb.

Tails silently cleared his throat, "don't make it all to obvious Espio is here," he whispered. Silver looked to Tails and suddenly realised how weird it must be for others to see them talk to someone who wasn't there.

"Oh yeah," they chuckled awkwardly, "of course." They turned back to the lesson still holding Espio's hand. The teacher instructed them about their task for today, they had to instal a circuit from scratch without their books. The teacher gave them this task to test how far they've gotten on the matter as preparation for the testweek. They all worked silently on their circuits.

It was nice to have Espio present and it was actually pretty helpful even though Espio didn't know much about Electrical Engineering, but he did gave Silver a hand during the lesson. Silver grunted a little frustrated when they tried to get the wires in the right place, but at the moment they took the soldering iron the wires flicked out of the sockets. Silver smiled when the wires moved on their own back into place so Silver could used both hands to handle the tin and soldering iron, "thank you Espio," they whispered silently.

A little later, Tails held in a chuckle when Silver was looking for their screwdriver who they had dropped earlier but was floating next to them as Espio had already picked it up to give it back. Silver suppressed as smile and took the screw driving to continue their experiment.

During the whole lesson Espio didn't feel bored for a second as he could watch Silver from up close shamelessly for one and a half hour. It made him smile to see Silver work so concentrated with their tongue sticking out. He sighed and took in all the details of their face softly stroked their quills, which made Silver smile and lean against his touch while they kept on working.

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