Part 159

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Espio's heart was pounding, he quickly took his phone to call Silver. His hands started to sweat as he listened to the beeping of his phone. He watch Silver on the monitor who was looking at the painting which they looked at with Shadow a while ago.

"Come on Silver, please pick up," Espio begged, but the Silver on the monitor didn't move, they didn't reach for their phone, even their ear didn't twitch by the sound of a ringtone. "Come on Silver," he whispered, but the call did go to voicemail. He looked over his shoulder to see D'Coolette's assistant not paying attention to him as she was studying Shadow. He sighed frustrated and turned back to the call, "Please Silver," Espio whispered into the voicemail, "Please don't tell D'Coolette about us. I don't know what you're doing over there, but please don't tell her. And don't tell her about the progress with your powers." He sounded quite desperate, but ended the voicemail to immediately call them again, which turned into a voicemail as well.

He watched how Silver looked around the waiting a little curious. "Damnit Silver." He opened his messages to Silver.

"Silver, I don't know what you're doing at D'Coolette's practice, but please don't tell her about us."

"Pick up your phone, please."

"It's important."

He called them again, but nothing changed. Espio started to panic as he felt his heart pounding in his throat. He bit his tongue out of frustration and sighed as he typed.

"She works for my father."

"Don't tell her about you progress and your trainings."

Espio's heart skipped a beat as he saw D'Coolette enter the practice and directly walking over to Silver in the waiting room.


They talked for a while and made their way to her office. Espio quickly grabbed his jacket while looking up the phone number of the practice. It didn't take long before the call go answered. 

"Good afternoon, this is Agnes from the Westside Mental Health Cli-"

"I need to talk to Silver," Espio said without letting her finish her sentence.

"Excuse me?" she said indignant.

"The hedgehog who just entered D'Coolette's office."

"I'm sorry but they are talking and I am not allowed to disturb them during a session."

"Please it's an emergency."


"So Silver, what brings you here?" D'Coolette asked as she sat in her sofa.

"Well I was kind of hoping Shadow would be here in his session with you," Silver said, they sat a little nervous on the couch as it brought back memories of the last time they were here. "I'm worried about him, I haven't seen him in days, he doesn't answer his phone. I'm scared something had happened."

D'Coolette smiled endearing at them, "I think Shadow would appreciate it, hearing you're so concerned about him," she said. "I took Shadow in for a while."

Silver looked shocked, "B-but why, did something happen?" they asked concerned and fiddled nervous with their shirt.

"Shadow had an episode during the autumn break," she explained calmly. As she was talking to them she kept looking at them interested and noticed the extra addition to their cuffs which made her raise an eyebrow. Silver looked worried at her. "He will be okay, I promise. He's doing a lot better recently and I think he will be present at college again this Monday."

"Really?" Silver asked with a relieved sigh.

D'Coolette smiled at them, "yes really," she said with a chuckle. 

"Thank you for helping him."

"Oh, it's okay, it's my job," she said with a sweet smile and moved a little interested forward onto her chair. "And how are you doing these days?"

"Oh me? I'm doing pretty good to be honest," Silver said with a smile.

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