The Beginning

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"Ok, take that away... Add that... No, no, no... Yes."

Peter Parker was sitting at his desk, working on a new version of his web fluid. He was so into his work, that he didn't hear his crush and next-door neighbor, Dani Cimorelli, open his bedroom door. Heck, he didn't even notice she was there, until she cleared her throat.


"DOH!" jumped a startled Peter, trying his best to hide his work from her. "Uh, h- hey, Dan. Uh, what-are-you, what-are-you, what are you doing here?... I mean, not that I'm not happy to see you, I am, but-"

"Relax, dork," she laughed, softly, as she gently punched his arm. "May let me in. I just wanted to see if you wanted to join me and my family for Thai."

"Oh, uh, I- I'd love that, uh... but I'm doing, um... I- I'm doing homework, right now."

"Homework?" asked Dani, suspiciously darting her green eyes to him. "Really?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah," said Peter, a little too quickly.

"You sure?"


"Ok..." she smiled, before turning away. "Later, dork of cuteness."

Before Dani could leave, however, Peter spoke up.

"Uh, actually!" he said, getting her attention. "I can, I can go. I can go. I mean, if the offer still stands. I can go, if the offer still stands."

"Really?" she smiled. "Your 'homework' can wait?"

"Yeah, homework... Homework can wait."

"Alright, let's go."

And with that, the two went to a Thai restaurant with Dani's family.

Spider-Man: Homecoming... With CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now