"Hi, Spider-Man"

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Toomes was already in the air. He was hovering over the Staten Island Ferry, when he heard Mason over his coms.

"Boss, the Spider-Guy's on his way."

"Damn it... we'll need a distraction," muttered Toomes.

Once Spider-Man was in view, the villain grabbed a chitauri laser cannon and aimed it at the ferry.


"No, no, no! Stop!" called Peter, before landing on the ferry and webbing the weapon from Toomes' hands.

Just then, several people, who were armed with guns, ran onto the part of the ferry that Spider-Man was standing. 

"FBI!" shouted one of the people. "FREEZE!"

Every FBI agent on that ship pointed their guns at the web-head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" cried Spider-Man, as he put his hands up. "I'm not your enemy! The Vulture is!"

"'Vulture...'" said Toomes, before flying closer. "I like the sound of that!"

Toomes flew down and tried to throw every agent on the ship into the water, but Peter was too quick. The hero grabbed the agents and saved them. This angered Adrian, to the point of flying back down and grabbing the cannon, before flying back up into the air and firing it at the web-slinger and the FBI agents.

"Get out of the way! Move, move!" shouted the hero.

Both Peter and the agents ran to the sides, before they could get hit by the blast. 

"Choice is yours, kid!... Go after me... or save the ship and all the people on it!"

And with that, the newly dubbed supervillain flew off, as quick as possible. Before Peter could shoot a web at him and pull him back, the Staten Island Ferry started to split in half. The sound of the tearing metal was almost drowned out completely, by the passengers screaming, in pure and utter fear. Peter couldn't let one person die on that ship, so he ran up to the second floor of the boat, jumped in between both sides and tried to pull the ship back together, with his webs and all of the strength he had in his body. Not only was he trying to keep the ship from breaking apart even more than it already was, but he was also trying to make sure his arms didn't literally tear off of his body. Spider-Man cried out in agonizing pain, as both halves of the ferry slowly grew further apart. Thankfully, the pain soon subsided, along with his painful screams, once he felt both halves slowly come back together. 

"What the hell?" asked Peter, before landing on one of the boat's floors.

Peter then heard multiple clanging sounds from outside of both halves of the boat. He knew who it was, but he didn't want to accept reality, in that moment.

"Please don't be Mr. Stark, please don't be Mr. Stark," he thought, to himself. "Please don't be-"

At that very moment, through the window, Iron Man's helmet came into view.

At that very moment, through the window, Iron Man's helmet came into view

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"Hi, Spider-Man," said Tony. "Need a hand?"

Just then, hundreds of portable thrusters flew towards the ferry, attaching themselves to both halves of said ferry, pushing them, until it was a full ship, again. The passengers were cheering for the armored Avenger.

"Excelsior!" called a relieved passenger, while he clapped along with the rest of the crowd.

As Tony flew away, Peter swung after him.

"Mr. Stark?!"


Tony went down to the area that held all the cars and sealed up the seams with his suit's laser, making sure he didn't miss a single spot.

"Mr. Stark? Can I help?" asked Peter, as he continued to swing after him.


Once Tony reached the top of the ship, he fired a bola from one of his suit's arms at the lookout post, which would hold it together, until it could be fully and properly repaired. He knew using his laser on it would be bad, because since it was such a small segment of the ferry, it would most likely melt.

"Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark, is there anything I can do? What do you want me to do?"

The armored Avenger turned to face Spider-Man. Even though his actual face wasn't visible, it wasn't hard to know that Tony wasn't happy.

 Even though his actual face wasn't visible, it wasn't hard to know that Tony wasn't happy

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"I think you've done enough," he said, coldly, before flying away.

Peter looked down, in shame. Then, he remembered Tony's words about how he had one more chance to not go after Vulture.

"Oh, crap. I'm in for it."

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