"Good ol' Spider-Man"

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Peter couldn't believe his eyes. Liz Allan's dad was Adrian Toomes?! The Vulture?!

"Y- y- y- yeah! Yeah, I- I'm Peter," he gulped.

"I'm Liz's dad," smiled Adrian, putting his hand out. "Put 'er there."

Reluctantly, Peter accepted the handshake but did not take his eyes off the man's face. He was still in shock.

"Hell of a grip!" complimented Adrian, before holding the door open for the young man. "Come on in."

Peter gulped again, before walking inside the house.


"Hi, Peter!" said Mrs. Allan. "My, you look handsome."

"Thank you, Mrs. Allan."

Just then, it was like Peter completely forgot that Liz's dad was the Vulture, when he saw Dani getting her picture taken outside.



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"Oh, my gosh! Dan, you look stunning!" gasped Liz.

"Aw, thanks!" she smiled, before looking over Liz's shoulder and seeing Peter. "Hi, babe."

"Wow," smiled Peter, in complete awe. "You look fantastic."

"So do you, handsome."

They kissed, earning them "ooh's" from Liz, Betty, and Glory.

"Liz?" asked Dani, handing Liz her phone. "Could you please take a picture of us?"

"Sure!" said Liz.

"Thanks, Liz."

"Yeah. Thanks, Liz," said Peter.

Liz opened up the camera app on Dani's phone and got ready to take the picture.

"Alright, say cheese!" smiled Liz.

"CHEESE!" they said, at the same time.




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Spider-Man: Homecoming... With CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now