"You got one more shot, kid"

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May's car pulled up the the front of the Allan household. Inside the car were May, of course, Peter, Dani, and Ned.

"House party in the suburbs," said May, fondly. "I remember them."


"It'll be a night to remember!" smiled Ned.

May looked back at Peter's best friend, in admiration and awe.

"Ned," she began to say, honestly. "Some hats wear men, but YOU wear that hat."

"Yeah," shrugged a blushing, smiling, Ned. "It gives me confidence."

"Ready to go?" asked Dani.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Yeah, let's- let's go," said Peter, before getting out of the car.


"Thanks for the ride, May," said Peter.

"You're welcome," smiled May, before driving off. "Peter... have fun."

"Ok, love you, May."

"Love you, too."

And with that, May drove back to the apartment, while Peter, Dani, and Ned walked up to the front door of the Allan residence.


Once they got inside, they saw an old record player, which they assumed belonged to Liz's parents, with Flash behind it. He was fascinated by how the music was playing, without electricity. Just then, they saw Michelle standing at the kitchen counter, making herself some peanut butter toast.

"I can't believe you guys are at this lame party," she said, in her usual, deadpanned way of speaking, as she spread the last few spots of peanut butter on her toast.

"But... you're here, too," stammered a confused Ned.

Michelle just put the butter knife down and grabbed her plate.

"Am I?" she asked, before taking a bite of her food and walking away.

Once she was out of sight, Peter was about to go over the plan, when Liz walked up.

"Hey, guys!" she said, excitedly. "Peter, I didn't think you'd come!"

"Oh, uh... Yeah, no. I just got the days mixed up, that's all."

"Ok," said Liz, before walking away. "Have fun and try not to break anything, please!"

"Got it!" called Dani. "Thanks!"

Once Liz was out of sight, Peter went over the plan with his girlfriend and best friend.

"Alright, you guys know what's going on, right?" he asked. "I'll go and stop the weapons deal, then I'll come back. While I'm gone, you guys look after our friends... and Flash. Ned, you know what to do?"

"Yeah, bro. I'm Dani's bodyguard. Flash won't come anywhere near her."

"Awesome!" sighed Dani, in relief, before giving Ned a fist bump. "Thank you, man."

"No prob, Dani," said Ned, as he returned Dani's fist bump. "Oh, wait! One more thing!"

"What is it?" asked Peter.

"If you have some time after you stop those guys... could you maybe?..."

Peter sighed.

"Babe, you know he's not gonna let this go," said Dani.

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