"Come on, Peter... Come on, Spider-Man..."

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Other than the quiet sounds of the smaller pieces of debris moving, the sound of a panicking Peter Parker was muffled, from beneath the wreckage. He was pinned under two large pieces of the ceiling, which were held in place by the air conditioning unit. The plumbing pipes had cracked, causing water to pour out. Once it hit Peter's mask, he found it hard to breathe. After struggling to free his hands, Peter took off his mask, as quickly as he could, while also trying not to get pinned down even more.

"Oh, gosh..." gasped Peter, after taking a few deep breaths. "...Ok, ready?"

He tried to push himself up and out of the wreckage, but it was just too heavy. Peter slumped back down and did the next best thing, that he could think of: call for help.

HELLO?!... HELLO?!?!..." he shouted, letting the tears stream down his face, out of pain and fear. "Please. Hey, hey, please. I'm- I'm down here. I'm down here. I'm stuck, I'm stuck. I can't move, I can't..."

Before he could accept that he was going to die there, he looked up and saw his mask on the ground in front of him. It was sitting in a puddle, which showed half of his face in it's reflection. Peter looked at the sight in front of him for a few seconds, before he remembered Tony's words.

"If you're nothing without that suit... then you shouldn't have it."

In that moment, everything changed. The fire that burned within Peter Parker started to burn even brighter than before. Going from scared to determined, Peter hyped himself up.

"...Come on, Peter..." he whispered, to himself. "...Come on, Spider-Man... Come on, Spider-Man! Come on, Spider-Man!"

Slowly but surely, he started to stand himself up and push the debris off of his body.

"GGGAAAAHHHH! COME ON, SPIDER-MAN!" he screamed, as he stood up even more.

As Peter stood up, he cried out in pain, due to the heavy pieces of plaster that pushed against his back. Fully standing up, he caught the two big pieces that were pinning him down and used all of his strength to hold them up and push them to the sides.

 Fully standing up, he caught the two big pieces that were pinning him down and used all of his strength to hold them up and push them to the sides

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When he was finally free of the wreckage, he quickly grabbed his mask, before swinging after the Vulture. It was time to finish this.

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