The End

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As Peter and Ned walked into school the next morning, Ned was asking his best friend about his fight with Vulture.

"So, did he fight honorably or did he fight dirty?"

"Dirty..." said Peter. "For sure dirty... but, hey... I couldn't have done it without you."

Ned's face lit up.

"D- does this mean-"

"Yeah," chuckled Peter. "You're my guy in the chair."


"Of course, man," said Peter, before he and Ned did their secret handshake.

In the middle of the handshake, however, Flash walked up to Peter.

"Hey, Peter?"

"Uh... hey, Flash."

"Hey, listen, man... I'm really sorry for picking on you... That night at Liz's party, Spider-Man showed up and he... he opened my eyes... Now, I realize that if anyone deserves to be called a penis, it's me."

"No, don't say that. You don't deserve to be called a penis, Flash... Just... please try to be nicer."

"Of course."

Peter smiled.

"Thanks, man."

"Of course, see you later."

And with that Flash left.

"That was weird," said Ned.

"W- wait..." said Peter. "What's going on over there?"

Peter saw Dani giving Liz a hug. Liz was there with her mom, who was holding a box of her daughter's stuff.

"Yo, I'll be right back," Peter told Ned.


As Peter walked up to his girlfriend, he could see that her eyes were red and puffy. He knew that she was upset about something. Then, she and Liz released from the hug, and Liz and her mom walked towards the doors.

"Bye, Peter," waved Liz.

"Uh, bye..." he waved back, awkwardly, before going over to his girlfriend. "Dan, what's going-"

"Liz's dad didn't want her and her mom to be here for the trial, so they're moving to Oregon."

She sniffled and wiped her nose.

"Babe, what's wrong?" asked a concerned Peter. "Why are you-"

"Don't, Peter... you know why... you know what you did... We're done."

Peter's eyes went wide.

"What?" he asked. "Wh- what do you, what do you, what do you mean we're done?"

"Done, as in no more... finished... over... through... broken up."

"Wait, what?! Why?"

"Really?" asked Dani. "You're asking me why? You left me at homecoming, alone and hoping that you'd come back, and you're asking me why? Wow, Peter. Just wow."

Dani was about to leave, but Peter stopped her.

"Ok, I know that I screwed up, but I'm really sorry. Come on, let me make it up to you... please. Please, Dani! I love you!"

"Goodbye, Peter," sniffled Dani. "Whatever's going on with you, I hope you figure it out."

Wiping her tears away, she put on a smile when she saw Lauren. As she and Dani walked to class together, Lauren looked back at Peter and frowned at him, before walking into the classroom. It was safe to say that Peter's heart was truly broken. He'd never felt more stupid in his life. He hated himself, in that moment. Just then, Ned walked up.

"You alright, man?"

Peter just shook his head.

"You need a hug?" asked Ned.

Peter nodded, letting his best friend know he did, in fact, need one. Ned embraced Peter in a hug.

"It's gonna be alright, Pete."


After school, Peter stepped off of the elevator and saw Christina walking out of her apartment. He smiled and waved at her, but she just gave him "the look," as she walked past him. It was a look of disappointment, annoyance, and frustration.

"Nice job, you rat," she sneered, before walking into the elevator.

Peter sighed, then went into his apartment.


"Hey, May!" he called, after closing the door and throwing his keys onto the kitchen counter. "You do dinner already?"

Then he remembered that May was applying for a job at at F.E.A.S.T. Shelter and that she wouldn't be home for a little bit. Peter was about to grab a snack from the fridge, when train of thought crashed, and he saw his that his bedroom door wasn't closed all the way

"Anyone there?" he asked, before walking into his room.


Once he was in his bedroom, he saw a brown, paper bag on his bed. 

Peter took out his earbuds and looked back into the living room

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Peter took out his earbuds and looked back into the living room.

"May?!" he called, just to make sure she indeed wasn't there.


After putting the suit back on, Peter took a lap around his room, feeling determined, inspired, and thankful. When he took his mask off, his cloud nine feeling vanished, when he remembered Dani and the look on her face... that was, until this happened:

 that was, until this happened:

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