"Peter knows Spider-Man!"

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Everyone was now on to the sit-up section, of the Captain America Fitness Challenge. Well, everyone except for Flash. He was still on the first part of the challenge: the rope climb. Each student had a spotter for each section of the challenge, Peter and Ned were spotting each other, while Dani and Michelle were spotting each other. After reaching the twenty sit-up mark, every other student, but Peter, grew tired and started to do their remaining sit-ups slower. Peter, on the other hand, kept going and he was almost at the one hundred mark.

"Do Avengers pay taxes?" asked Ned, which annoyed Peter.

"Shh!" Peter whispered.

"What does Hulk smells like? I bet he smells nice."

"I bet he smells sweaty," remarked Michelle, who was doing sit-ups, while reading "To Kill A Mockingbird."

"Is Captain America cool, or is he like a mean, old grandpa?"

"Ned, be quiet, man. Please!" Peter whispered, again.

 "Hey, can I be your guy in the chair?"

"What?" asked Peter, as he finished, yet, another sit-up.

"Yeah. You know how there's a guy with a headset telling the other guy where to go? Like, if you're stuck in a burning building, I could tell you where to go, because there'd be screens around me and I could, you know, swivel around, and...'Cause I could be your guy in the chair!" Ned smiled.

"Ned, I don't need a guy in the chair," whispered an annoyed Peter.

"Looking good, Parker!" said Coach Wilson, as he walked by. "Take a breather, get some water."

"Yes, sir," nodded Peter, before sitting up and grabbing his water bottle.

Meanwhile, Liz, Betty, and their group of friends didn't do a single section of the challenge. No, they were just sitting on the bleachers and talking.

"See," Betty said, deep in thought. "For me, it would be F Thor... marry Iron Man, and kill Hulk."

"Betty," called Dani. "Don't let Lisa hear you say that!"

Just then, Lisa busted through the gym's doors.

"Too late!" she snarled.

Betty screamed and was chased out of the gym, with Lisa right behind her.

"HE'S MINE!" Lisa's voice echoed throughout the entire school.

A few seconds of silence passed by, before everyone shrugged and went back to doing what they were doing. 

"But why would you kill Hulk?" asked Glory. "He's had a really bad life, I just wanna give him a hug. Both him and Doctor Banner."

"Hey, if I see him around, I'll let him know you said that!" called Peter.

"Really? Thanks, Peter!" smiled Glory.

"Yeah, no problem."

Dani didn't get jealous when Peter talked to other girls and vice versa. The two trusted each other completely and knew that they would never cheat on one another.

"But what about the Spider-Man?" asked one of their friends.

"Did you guys see what he did? He fought off, like, twelve guys, last week!" exclaimed Liz.

"Oh, my gosh," groaned Glory. "She's crushing on Spider-Man."

"No way," said their friend. "You don't even know what he looks like. Like, what if he's, like, seriously burned?"

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