"So long, Pedro"

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When Peter arrived at the address, he saw the door to the warehouse was already open.

"Oh, no... that's not ominous at all," he quipped, before sneaking in.


As Peter crawled on the ceiling, he could see Toomes walking towards his wingsuit.

"Not today," he whispered, before jumping down and swing kicking the villain away from the wings.

Toomes got up clutching his stomach, as he tried to catch his breath. He was anything but happy.

"I thought I told you not to interfere with my business again!"

"Was that what you were saying in the car?" asked Peter, before pulling Toomes towards him with his webs, then punching him in the face. "Sorry, I couldn't quite understand you. I don't speak bad guy... or angry, old man."

Toomes tried to punch and kick the wall-crawler, but none of his attacks connected. After being thrown back, onto a table filled with spare parts, Adrian grabbed a chitauri energy core and threw it at the pillars. 

"Wow, your aim sucks!" called Spider-Man.

"I wasn't going for you," smiled the villain, before putting his wingsuit on and flying away.

"Damn it!" cursed Peter, under his breath.

He tried to go after Vulture, but something told him that danger was incoming. This was one of the first times that Peter had experienced this.

"What the hell is that?" he asked, as he covered his ears, in an attempt to stop what sounded like the reverb that a bell gave off when it was hit. When he looked behind him, he could see the energy core blinking rapidly.

"Oh, this isn't good."

The core exploded, blowing up the main pillar, that was holding the second floor of the warehouse up. Peter looked up, to see dust falling onto his suit.

"Oh..." he sighed. "That's not so-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence, unfortunately, for the ceiling started to crumble, before large pieces of debris started to harshly rain down on him, caving him inside of all the rubble. 


Meanwhile, the Vulture just hovered over the now destroyed warehouse, admiring his work.

"So long, Pedro," he said, before flying away. 

Spider-Man: Homecoming... With CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now