"This is really good Thai food!"

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Peter and the Cimorelli family were sitting in the Thai restaurant that Lisa's friend worked at. The same restaurant that Lisa bribed her friend, so that she and her family could get free food. Everyone was there, except for the Cimorelli brothers, as Mike Jr. and Alex got grounded and had to watch the three youngest boys, as their punishment. Peter wasn't that used to talking about his day at dinner. Usually, he and May would eat while watching "Impractical Jokers," so this was slightly new for him.

"So, Peter," started Mike Sr.. "How's the Stark Internship treating you?"

"Um, i- it's, uh... It's good. Yeah, it's... it's really good."

"Have you met any Avengers yet?" asked Lisa. "Like, oh, I don't know... a certain god of thunder?"

"Uh," Peter laughed, nervously. "Uh, no. No, I haven't really met any Avengers, other than Mr. Stark. But, uh, if I meet Thor, I'll tell him you said 'hi!'"

"Or... you could just give Mr. Odinson my number... or convince him to propose to me. No biggie," said Lisa, very nonchalantly.

"Dude, what have you done?" laughed Lauren.

"Well, excuse me, "Mrs. Captain America!" teased Lisa.

"I still don't get how you have a crush on him," said Amy. "The dude's, like, a hundred years old."

"Ok, technically, he's ninety-two. Biologically, thirty-one, but I don't care how old he is. Steve Rogers is hot!"

"Don't say that word, please," said Christina. "I think you meant to say 'cute.'"

"No, I meant to say 'hot,'" said Lauren. "Besides, the suit really does him justice. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's-"

"Lauren Christine!" gasped Lynne, trying not to laugh.

"What? I'm just saying that that's America's-"

"BEEP!" yelled Katherine.

Everyone laughed for a few seconds, before Dani spoke up.

"Hey, Pete."


"Have you met Spider-Man?" she asked, with a smile.

Peter's blood ran cold and his palms got so clammy.

"Oh, uh... N- no," he stuttered, as he wiped his hands on his jeans. "No, I- I haven't-"

"Have you at least seen him around?" asked Dani, who was still smiling.

"This is really good Thai food!" Peter blurted out.

"That it is," said Amy. "Plus, it's free!"

Just then, the entire restaurant gasped and looked at the large party.

"Amy!" whispered Lisa, intensely.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Lisa's friend, Sarah, walked up and handed her the bill.

"Not anymore," remarked Sarah, before walking away to have a talk with her boss.

As the Cimorelli parents turned to look at their third daughter, Lisa let out a nervous laugh. Meanwhile, Peter leaned over to Dani.

"That was scary!" he whispered, to her.

Dani smiled, not just because her hunch was confirmed, but also because she thought Peter was cute, when he got nervous. As they ate, Peter kept stealing glances at Dani. Whenever she would turn her head to face him, he'd quickly turn back to his food and nervously poke at it. Sure, he thought she was beautiful, but, to him, her looks were just a bonus. Peter's feelings towards her were completely a result of her kindness, sense of humor, and how she never gave up.


When Peter came home, he saw May watching "Law & Order."

"Hey, May," said Peter, as he tossed his keys on the counter.

"Oh, hi!" she said, before lowering the volume and giving him a hug. "How was Thai?"

"Uh, yeah. It was good, it was good."

"That's fantastic. Speaking of fantastic, how are our neighbors?"

"Uh, they're doing alright."

"Great!" said May. "How's Dani?"

Peter just froze. No one knew that he liked Dani, apart from his and Dani's best friend, Ned Leeds... or so he thought. He couldn't think of a response, so he just fake yawned. 

"Man, I'm tired!" he said, as he walked to his room. "Night, May!"

"Oh, ok. Love you!"

"Love you, too," called Peter, before shutting his bedroom door.

May just went back to sitting on the couch and watching TV. As soon as she sat down, she grabbed her tea and jerked her head, smugly.

"Knew it," she smiled, before taking a sip.

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