"Bro bro, are you sure about this?"

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"Bro bro, are you sure about this?" asked a slightly apprehensive Lauren.

"Yeah," said Lisa. "I mean, what if Mr. Stark gets mad?"

"Relax," laughed Peter. "As long as I don't post it on the internet, I'll be fine. Besides, Dani's really into that new Bruno Mars song and I really wanna do this for her."

"Okay..." responded Lisa, hitting the record button on the camera. "Rolling... and action."

"Thanks, Lisa. Drop that needle, Lauren!"

Lauren sighed and reluctantly pressed play on her laptop.


"Ready?" asked Peter, handing his girlfriend his phone.

"And this is for me?" she asked, smiling nervously.

"Yep!" nodded Peter. "Just for you!"

"I'm nervous," she laughed, before hitting play.

"This is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life," said Dani, before kissing her boyfriend. "Thank you!"

Spider-Man: Homecoming... With CimorelliTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang