"'Not until she tells you,' huh?"

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A few days later, Peter and Dani were walking in school. 

"What's up, Penis Parker?" called Flash.

"Speaking of ding dongs, your fly's down, Eugene!" laughed Dani.


Dani wasn't lying. Flash's fly was really down. After looking to see that she was right, Flash ran away covering himself up.

"Serves him right," said Dani.

"Thank you, Dani," smiled Peter, shyly.

"Anything for you, Pete," she smiled back.

The two looked into each others' eyes, for a few seconds, before slowly leaning in. Unfortunately, they were forced to pull away, when Ned walked up.

"Hey, guys!" he said.

"Oh, uh. Hi, Ned!" said Dani, before clearing her throat.

"Hey, what's up, man?" asked Peter.

"Join me and together, we'll build my new LEGO Death Star," he said, doing an impression of Palpatine.

"WHAT?!" cried Peter, excitedly.

"So lame," groaned a nearby cheerleader.

"Hey, mind your own business!" snapped Dani, before turning back to her friends. "Dude, that's awesome!"

"How many pieces?" asked Peter.

"Four thousand sixteen."

"Dude, that's insane!"

"I know! You guys wanna build it tonight?"

"Uh, did the Millennium Falcon complete the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs?" asked Dani.

"Hell yeah, it did!" laughed Ned, giving her a high-five. "What about you, man?"

"I- I can't tonight. Sorry, guys," Peter apologized.

"Let me guess," said Ned. "The Stark Internship?"

"Yeah, he's been giving me a lot of stuff to do," lied Peter. "But, you know, hopefully I get to, like, actually work with him."

"What exactly do you do there?" asked Dani.

Before Peter could come up with an answer, the bell rang. 

"Oh, snap. I gotta get to class! Later, Ned. Later, dork of cuteness!" said Dani, before walking away.

As she left, she looked back at Peter, to wink and smile at him.

"Dude, she's totally into you!" said Ned, excitedly.

"Shut up, man," scoffed Peter, who thought his friend was teasing him.

"No, I'm serious. Dani likes you, man. It's obvious!"

"Wh- wh- what makes you th- what makes you think that?" asked a hopeful Peter.

"Dude, she literally winked and smiled at you. Also, not to mention, she called you 'dork of cuteness.' Yo, you should ask her to homecoming!"

"What?" asked Peter.

"Dude, you like her, she likes you. She's been practically hinting that she wants you to ask her to homecoming for weeks now."

"I'll ask her, but not until she says she likes me herself," said Peter "Now, come on. We've gotta get to class!"

Peter ran ahead, but Ned just smiled and walked slowly behind him.

"'Not until she tells you,' huh?" he whispered, to himself.

Spider-Man: Homecoming... With CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now