"You complete me!"

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The next morning was a Saturday, so, obviously, there was no school. That very same morning, Peter and Dani woke up in each others' arms.

"Hi," smiled Dani

"Hi," smiled Peter, before he kissed her.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Very well," said Peter, as he rubbed her back. "You?"

"Mmm, I slept amazing," she said, with a very smitten smile, before they nuzzled their noses together.

Just then, the other Cimorelli sisters walked in. They were singing "Can't Help Falling In Love," by Elvis Presley. After Lisa's part, Dani started to sing, too. Peter loved hearing Dani sing. It always brought him comfort and joy. 

"Take my hand," sang Dani, offering Peter her hand.

Peter accepted it and the two of them slow danced, right smack dab in the middle of the room.

"Take my whole life, too,
For I can't help falling in love with you.
For I can't help falling in love with you,
" sang Dani, as they danced.

Once the song ended, the couple kissed, causing the other girls to scream, in excitement.

"I SHIP IT!" screamed Lisa.

"Come on, you lovebirds," smiled Lauren before she put her hand on the doorknob. "Let's go."

Peter and Dani were confused, but they soon realized what was going on, when they walked through the door and into the living room, where they were greeted by May, Ned, and the Cimorelli family.


"What is all this?" laughed Dani.

"A party!" exclaimed Amy.

"What? What for?" asked Peter.

"For you two!" said Christina.

Lynne looked over and saw her oldest son. He had tears streaming down his face.

"Michael, honey, are you ok? Why are you crying?" she asked, worriedly.

"I'm just so happy for these two!" he sobbed, before he pulled Peter and Dani in for a hug.

"Love you, Mikey," smiled Dani.

"Love you, baby sis," he sniffled, with a smile.

"I'll protect her. Don't worry, man," said Peter.

"I know you will," smiled Mike Jr., as he put a hand on Peter's shoulder. 

Just then, a shirtless Joey stood up on the coffee table and swung his shirt in a circle, over his head.

"LET'S PARTY!" he shouted.

Everyone started laughing.

"JOSEPH!" cried Lynne.

"Let him have this one," smiled Mike Sr..


Halfway into the party, Ned walked up to Christina and leaned up against the fireplace.

"Hey, Christina," smiled Ned, with a tip of his hat.

Ned always had a thing for Christina, which she found cute, at first. However, as time went on, it started getting annoying.

"Hi, Ned," sighed Christina, with a smile.

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