"What'cha doin'?"

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The next morning, Peter, Dani, and Ned were all walking to third period, when Peter stopped them and pulled them aside.

"Bro, what's going on?"

"Yeah, babe," said Dani. "We're gonna be late for class."

"Get this. Last night, Happy accidentally called me. He thought he was talking to Mr. Stark. He gave me information on that scary vulture-guy."

"What?!" Ned whisper shouted.

"Yeah, I know! It's awesome! Anyway, I'm gonna go prove Mr. Stark that I have what it takes to do more than I've been doing."

"That's great, babe," smiled Dani. "You're going after school?"

"No, I'm going right now."

Dani's smile instantly vanished. Before Peter could keep talking or Ned could respond, the youngest Cimorelli sister just raised her hand and slapped her boyfriend across the face.

"Oh, shit!" cried Ned.

"Ow, Dan! What was that for?!" winced Peter.

"Are you dumb?! You can't cut school!"

"Dani, I am so far beyond school right now," said Peter, before making his way to the school doors.

As he turned around to face the school doors, he was greeted by the principal.

"Parker, my office," he said.

Peter looked back at Dani and Ned, who were trying to hold in their laughter, as he walked to the principal's office.


After being told he had detention, Peter went to what was known as "the room." It was an old classroom, with a proctor, and a loop of videos, which starred the first Avenger. As Peter sat down, he looked at the old TV and watched, in boredom.

 As Peter sat down, he looked at the old TV and watched, in boredom

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"So... you got detention. You screwed up."

"You know what you did was wrong

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"You know what you did was wrong. The question is, 'How are you gonna make things right?'"

After a few seconds of trying to convince himself it wasn't bad, Peter sighed and left detention.

"Hey, come back," yawned the proctor, before looking over and seeing Michelle drawing. "What are you doing here? You don't have detention."

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The proctor quirked an eyebrow, but didn't care enough to say anything, so he just let Michelle keep drawing

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The proctor quirked an eyebrow, but didn't care enough to say anything, so he just let Michelle keep drawing.


While she and Ned were in class, Dani could see Peter leaving detention from her classroom window. When the teacher wasn't looking, she just rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone. Dani knew where her boyfriend was going, so since Lauren was out sick that day, Dani texted her and told her to stop him from doing anything stupid. Before the teacher turned back around, the youngest Cimorelli sister put her phone back in her pocket and started taking notes again.


Once Peter arrived home, he searched every millimeter of the apartment to make sure May wasn't there. After completing his search, he went to his room and grabbed his suit. After he put it on, he went to grab his mask, which he put on his bed while he was changing, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lauren standing in the doorway.

"What'cha doin'?" she asked him, in her best Isabella impression, from "Phineas and Ferb."

"Noth-" started Peter, in his Phineas voice, before clearing his throat and going back to his normal voice. "Uh, nothing... what are you talking about?"

"I may have a sinus infection and I may also be running a slight fever..." sniffled Lauren. "But I'm not sick enough to stop you from doing something stupid."

"I'm not doing anything stupid... I- I'm just... going to a costume party."

"Dude, I've known you for fifteen years. I know when you're lying," said Lauren. "So with all due respect, cut the rip and get back to school."

Peter just looked at her.

"I'm sorry," he said, really meaning it, before pulling his mask over his head, jumping out of his window, and swinging away.

Lauren sighed, then went back nextdoor, to rest up.

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