"Oh, we're on live, are we? AHH!"

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The next day, the Cimorelli family invited Peter, May, Ned, Michelle, Liz, and Betty over for a barbecue, in the courtyard/outdoor lounge area of their apartment complex. Peter and Dani were on their way back from the gym, as Dani had begged Peter to work out with her, so guys wouldn't hit on her. Ned and Christina were watching Mike Sr. grill the steaks, burgers, hot dogs, and sausages, when Ned got an idea. 

"Hey, boo-boo bear," he smiled at Christina.

"Don't call me that," she responded, with an eye roll.

"Sorry... Hey, Christina."

"Yes, Ned?"

"Watch this," he smiled, before picking up a raw steak and putting it on top of the campfire, that Lynne and May were sitting by.

"Oh, Ned," gasped Lynne. "I don't think this is- Oh, my lanta! It's actually cooking!"

"Gotta hand it to you, Ned," sighed Christina. "I'm impressed."

Meanwhile, Liz walked over and looked at the cooking steak, in amazement.

"Oh, my gosh! Ned, did you do this?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That's awesome!" cried Liz, before kicking a foot back and forth. "Do you think, maybe, you could teach me, sometime?"

"Sure, I'd be happy to!" said Ned.

Christina saw this and stormed away. Just then, Dani walked outside.

"Hey, Doobs!" called Mike Sr.. "Where's Pete?"

"Oh, he's putting on some non-sweaty clothes."

"Got it."

"Ned, are you cooking steak on the campfire?" asked Dani.

"Yep, learned it from Lola."

"Nice! Mind if I show this on Instagram live?"

"No, not at all!" smiled Ned. "Go for it."


After a few minutes, Ned had put some more raw steaks on the campfire, while everyone else had gathered around to watch. Just then, they heard the sound of a singing voice echo from inside the building.

"Is that Peter?" asked Liz.

"Yeah, I think so," said Lisa.

"I'm on live, babe," called Dani.

"When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath,
But you heard it-"

Peter walked out.

What's this?" he asked

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What's this?" he asked.

"I'm live," said Dani.

"Oh, we're on live, are we? AHH!"

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"Oh, we're on live, are we? AHH!"

"Shut the door!" chuckled Dani.

After doing so, Peter walked back and Dani ended the live.

"Babe, your voice is so good!" she squealed, jumping into his arms.

"What were you doing on live?" he asked.

"Ned was making steaks on the campfire. Your voice is amazing!"

"Bro-bro," said Lauren. "Dan's right! You're really good!"

"Aw, thanks," blushed Peter. "But you know who's even better? Hey, Ned!"


"Do the thing!"

"Wh- OH! I got you, bro!" smiled Ned, as he made his way over to one of the picnic tables.

"What's he doing?" asked Katherine.

Her question was answered, when Ned stood up on the top of the picnic table and sang an Andrea Bocelli song. What the Cimorelli family didn't know was that Ned's Lola had him enrolled in Opera lessons, since childhood. Ned Leeds was a classically trained part time opera singer.

"Oh," gasped Christina.

"My," gasped Katherine.

"Rippity," gasped Lisa.

"Rip," gasped Amy.

"Ripping," gasped Lauren.

"Gosh," gasped Dani.

As Ned hit the big high note, Lynne's wine glass shattered.

"Wow!" gasped Christina.

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