"You talk too much... but it's adorable"

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At lunch, Peter was waiting for Dani and Ned at their usual spot. Just then, Ned ran up and grabbed Peter by the arm, dragging him out of the cafeteria.

"Dude!" he exclaimed. "What the hell's going on?"

"Just follow me!"

"Follow you?! You're dragging me, I have no choice, but to follow you!"


"Ned, what is going on?!" asked Peter, before he was shoved into an abandoned classroom and locked inside. "How'd you get the ke-"

"Just wait there!" shouted Ned, before running off.

Peter was wondering what was going on, but he couldn't think any further, when he heard Dani's voice, from the other side of the door.

"Ned, what the rip are you doing?!"

"Just follow me!"

"You're literally dragging me! I can't help, but follow you!"

Just then, Ned unlocked the door. After opening it, he quickly, but gently, shoved Dani in with Peter, before closing it and locking it again.

"Peter, what the hell's up with him?"

"I have no idea," he shrugged, before looking over her shoulder and making eye contact with Ned. "Ned? Buddy? What's going on?"

"Talk about your feelings!" Ned smiled, giving them two thumbs up.

As Ned walked away, both Peter and Dani sighed. The room was silent for a few seconds, before Dani spoke up.

"So..." she said, as she sat down on one of the desks and kicked her feet back and forth.

Peter sighed, again. He knew there was one way that he and Dani were going to get out of that classroom. 

"H- hey, Dan?"

"Mmm?" she asked, looking up at him, causing him to get lost in her eyes, for a few seconds. "Peter?"


"You were saying something?"

"Uh... Oh, yeah! Um... there's this thing, that I really have to tell you... I'm just gonna say it, I'm just gonna say it. I'm just gonna tell you, I'm just gonna-"

"Come on, dork of cuteness," chuckled Dani. "Spit it out... It's me. You can tell me anything."

Peter nodded and gulped, before speaking up.

"I really like you... as more than just a friend... I know it may sound... crazy and weird, but I just... I can't deny it. I really like you, Dani... You don't have to feel the same way, it's cool if you don't. I just hope this doesn't affect our friendship, cause you're one of my best friends and I really don't wanna lose you, but I'm afraid that I just did, because I told you how I felt and-"

Dani just got up and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. It took a few seconds for Peter to realize what was happening, before giving in and kissing back. When they pulled away, Dani just gave him a smitten smile.

"...And you kissed me."

"You talk too much... but it's adorable," she told him.

Peter just laughed.

"S- so, you-"

"Yeah... I really like you, too."

They kissed again.

"So..." started Peter. "What exactly does this make us?"

"Boyfriend and girlfriend, right now!" said Dani.


"Boyfriend and girlfriend, after a few dates?"

"I was going to say 'boyfriend and girlfriend, right now...' but that's only if you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend, well, right now," laughed Peter, nervously.

"Right now sounds good," smiled Dani, pecking her now-boyfriend's lips.

"YES!" exclaimed Ned, as he busted into the room.

"Were you listening to that?" asked Peter, who was holding his now-girlfriend in his arms.

"Maybe," he somewhat admitted. 

"Hey, thank you, man," said Peter. "If you hadn't locked us in here, I don't think this would've happened."

"Yeah, thanks, Ned," said Dani. "I don't think I would've been that bold."

"Well, I think standing up to Flash makes you bold, babe," smiled Peter.

"Hey, you're bold, too," said Dani.

"No, I'm not," laughed Peter.

"Yes, you are!" smiled Dani, before she started tickling him.

"Nuh-uh!" Peter laughed, before he started tickling her, as well.



"Yuh-huh!" laughed Dani.

"I ship it," smiled Ned, as he moonwalked away, while he held his hat in place, as he looked down at the ground. "Job well done, Leeds. Job well done."

(The chapter after the next one is some Spider-Man stuff!)

Spider-Man: Homecoming... With CimorelliOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz