11) The Next Morning

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I expect awkwardness this morning, but there is none because when I wake up, Torin is not beside me. How did he slip past me? My normally eagle-like alertness feels sluggish today. Could it be from lack of sleep?

I yawn and stretch and wonder if there is coffee somewhere and maybe an egg sandwich. I have got to pee so bad. I slip out of bed, put some clothes on, and open the door to slip out. I see Hellman, alert now and looking at me with one eyebrow raised in a question. Times have changed and gone are the days of the "walk of shame". I feel too arrogant and satisfied for that. I'm a lady in love who has spent the night with her lover playing games.

I am sleepy, but I feel alive today. I am woman, hear me roar. I got that saying from a song my mom used to listen to and just thinking about my mama instantly kills my good mood. And then, I think of you know who, and you know what, and I smile.

Except. Except my boyfriend plans on breaking up with me today. He is leaving, going home. I decide instantly. I am going with Torin.

He is right. We have stayed too long. It is any wonder I am not waking up to The One Nation Army on the front porch. Just as I think this, I spot it. The red jeep.

The red jeep that has so far played a significant role in this story, good and bad. The red jeep I last saw in Stuart, Virginia where we escaped from an enemy that tortured Torin. I look at Hellman this time with my eyebrow raised and point to the jeep.

Hellman smiles. "Oh that," she says. "Some good news, some of our people are back."

I silently pray my dad and mom are back, but before I can ask, I spot a corner of my love square, Gus Lancaster. He is talking to Steven.

Steven waves and smiles at me and makes a motion for me to "come here".

Oh Lord, despite his grief, I am guessing Steven is enjoying the heck out of this scenario because he is smiling ear to ear. He does not look like last night's Steven, moping and dragging his hurt leg around like it weighed three thousand pounds. He looks like old, ever-positive, ever-cheerful Steven. Why is he so cheerful?

Maybe, just maybe. There is good news.

Yes, good news indeed. Steven tells me before I can even ask what the heck happened.

"He's back," he says. "Tommy. And Marla too. They were almost hung. Hanged. Yes, I know, but they escaped. They are at the fires, eating some breakfast. Torin took them. Said there might be eggs." Steven smiles at Gus. "Gus helped them. He saved them." Steven smiles his brightest hero-worshiping smile at Gus and squeezes his arm.

Gus smiles right back like the savior he is and does not even pretend to be humble about his skills. "It was nothing. I just used my charisma and superior intellect to outsmart the enemy. They are not that bright after all. Not that smart. You know, from the South." He smiles like he just did not insult both me and Steven who are both born and raised in the South.

Gus and Steven both laugh. When I don't, Steven says, "He's just kidding, Eliot." Then he turns to Gus and says, "Thank you Agent Lancaster for all you have done."

There, there's my old Steven. Is he flirting with Gus?

"You are welcome, my good friend, Steven."

Good friend? When did they become good friends?

Gus then turns to me like he just noticed me and says, "Ah, Eliot, so good to see you again. How are you?" He grabs me and pulls me to him for a quick hug and then holds me at arms length.

Before I can answer, he says, "I came to greet you last night when we arrived, but I could not get past the guard. She said you were sleeping, though I could definitely hear...." He pauses here and adds, "conversation."

I'm, for some strange reason, embarrassed. Steven is loving this. He says, "I stopped by too to tell you, but Hellman told me you were resting." He does air quotes when he says "resting". And just so Gus gets his meaning, Steven grabs my hand and kisses it and says in an English accent, "Come, my lady. Let's see if we can procure one of those egg sandwiches." He pulls me towards the house and turns and asks over his shoulder. "Agent Lancaster, are you hungry? Please join us, we have so many questions." Steven turns back to me and winks. "We want to know more about your daring escape from our mortal enemy."

For once, Mr. Big Mouth, has nothing to say. Gus follows behind us to the kitchen.

As Steven walks with me swinging our hands, I turn and ask Gus: "What about my dad? Do you know what happened to him?" I am more hesitant to ask the next question because I am not sure I want to know. "And my mom?"

"Your dad?" says Gus. "He's not here? How about my father? They were together. Along with your Resistance leader, the ever lovely, Leia" He pauses for a split second as if to visually imagine the ever lovely Leia and then continues with a broad smile. "And there was another chap with them. He claimed to have a gift for you." He mimics putting a ring on a finger. "They were hours ahead of me. Said they were coming this way so my dad could check in on the prince."

We stop walking. "Wonder what happened to them?" asks Steven.

"Your dad is supposed to meet me at your house this morning, if he's not there, he was going to leave me a note under a frog."

Note under a frog, sounds just like my dad. "But, come here first, right?" I ask.

"Yes, here first. I think that is what was decided. Come here first, but what could have delayed them? Hmm, there was a small blockade at the edge of town. They were so loud, we snuck by them. Maybe, our dads weren't so lucky."

"And my mom?" I ask.

"That is a whole nother story," says Gus. 

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