30) Plans to Rescue My Mother

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After a spirited but brief debate with adults only present, it is decided. There is to be a "rescue" of my mother. I say "rescue" because, even to my dad, we are all not sure my mom needs or wants to be rescued.

Gus, who has the most current knowledge of my mother's situation is torn. "I can understand she still wants to help, finish the job, but our primary goal all along has been to take out the general."

"Maybe that was your main goal, but not hers," says my dad.

"Jane is a professional, but she has gotten in too deep," says Mr. Thomas. "She is confused." says Mr. Thomas who will probably die trying to defend my mother, the love of his life. My look reminds him that his opinion does not matter here, but what Gus says also reminds him:

"You're a traitor who should be executed on the spot. It is only because you're our best way in, that you are alive right now."

Mr. Thomas looks at my dad and says, "Joe, you know me. I did it to save her. Jane could've been hurt. That army headed to Stuart was planning on killing every last one of One Nation they could get their hands on. They were out for blood and that meant Jane too."

My dad doesn't say anything, and secretly I wonder if he would have done the same. He did go ahead of the army to, as he said - "take off the head of the snake", but everything he tried to do was to protect my mother. My dad is not natured to care about other people, only his own family. He's been teaching me this for years - family first. I understand the part about family first, but I guess I have changed because my idea of family has changed. My family is now a lot bigger than it was before the end of the world. It now includes people who are not blood kin to me. And now, I believe in family first, but not at the expense of someone else's family, and not if I have to steamroll over innocent people to get what I want for my family.

I guess my dad has softened a little too because he finally says, "Clementine, what you did was wrong. No matter the reason. We'll deal with it later, but for now, Gus is right. We'll need your help."

"And mine too?" I ask all the while wanting to go but not wanting to go, but at least wanting to want to go.

"No Boo, not this time. It's not safe for the prince. You two head back to Dobson, take the kids with you. Agent Lancaster and Leia and that kid should be there still. We went to Pilot to check on them Canadians, then the camp after. I snuck off without them this morning. Left them a note and told them I could move faster without them, and I'd be right back. Y'all head there now. When this is over, we'll meet you there."

I explain that the whole caravan is headed to Asheville and my dad says, "We'll find you, if you're gone already."

"Daddy are you sure?" I ask, though I am secretly relieved I'm not going to Stuart.

My dad nods. He turns to Torin, shakes his hand and says, "It has been a privilege. Take care of my baby girl."

"Yes sir," Torin says. He takes my hand and as we turn to walk away, my dad says, "Eliot, can I speak to you a minute alone before you go."

"Sure dad," I say. I'm getting worried now that I may never see him or my mother again and this is his last goodbye, that, or I am getting ready to be given a slew of reminders of how to survive in a worst case scenario because, hey, the world ended.

We are already living the worst case scenario.

Turns out this was not dad's version of I'll-never-see-you-alive-again speech but more a reminder of what to do when the shit hits the fan, really hits the fan. After explaining his reasoning and his strategy for how to survive at all costs, my dad reminds me that I already know what to do. Out of sight of all the others, he hands me a map and tells me to memorize it, then destroy it.

My dad and Gus, and traitor, Mr. Thomas, are headed to Stuart, Virginia to kill a monster and rescue my mom. Torin and I have our marching orders from dad now. I already knew what to do in an end-of-the world emergency. I just had to be reminded.

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