40) Return of the Red Jeep

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By the time Agent Lancaster and the red jeep pull up in the driveway, our people have stopped packing and are locked and loaded and ready to fire at the first indication of trouble. There's no need, I could already see through the binoculars that there is only one person in the jeep. There's no Gus, and worse, no mama. There is only my dad. I'm glad he is back, but since he's not with my mom, I can only assume that his mission to save my mom failed. Somehow, Gus not being with him only confirms this in my suddenly very sad brain.

I see my dad joined with Agent Lancaster walk over and talk with Torin and Clay. I see Torin point to me on the roof. My dad looks my way and nods his head ever so slightly, but does not walk towards me. My dad, the purveyor of cold hard truth and facts, always facts, seems like he is avoiding me. He continues to talk and I see that Agent Lancaster is adding his two cents worth too as Clay and Torin nod, but say nothing back.

The rest of the camp gets back to the business of leaving. I could signal someone to come up and replace me, but I am avoiding the truth of what has happened to my mom. Everyone knows, if you avoid the truth, avoid bad news, delay it, don't wait to hear it, it never happened.

I see my dad say one final word to Torin like they are deciding who is to tell me the bad news. I see a big sigh from Torin and a nod from his head like he agrees with something, but reluctantly. Torin glances my way, but he doesn't wave. He walks away.

My dad walks towards me to tell me the bad news because it's his bad news to tell.

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