37) Finding Friends

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When I go outside, I look up and Patrick is still up on the roof, but he is not alone. Marla is sitting there with him. Good. That means Steven must be back too and Agent Lancaster. I look towards the fire pit and see them there with the others. Torin is off to the side talking to Agent Lancaster. Torin must be telling the agent about Gus and my dad because I see Torin shake his hand.

Jack joins them, and now there looks like a very deep conversation is happening. I want to be there if decisions are being made, especially if they involve my dad. I get the impression that this is a secret conversation when the three move farther from the group and tighten up their circle. What are they talking about that is so private? Finally, I see Agent Lancaster nod like he agrees with something. He bows slightly to both Torin and Jack and backs up. When Torin and Jack turn to walk back to the fire pit group, Agent Lancaster turns and half runs to the nearest vehicle.

The nearest vehicle looks like a well used ATV complete with mud on the flaps and everywhere else. Oh Lord, I hope he can get where he's going on that because Stuart, Virginia is at least 30 miles away, and I bet that is where he is headed in a hurry. Before I can wave goodbye or tell him good luck, he is gone. Gone to help his son, I am sure.

Agent Lancaster is a seasoned professional who was sent to save the prince, but even he knows - family first. I hope he helps my family too.

I look up at Patrick and Marla on the roof. I am not sure how vigilant the lookout is now because he is definitely being distracted by a pretty girl. I see Marla reach over and take Patrick's hand, and they are playing some kind of game. Good, maybe it won't be so hard to break the news. I can only hope Patrick isn't crushed by the news that I love another.

I could probably ask Marla to be the lookout while I talk to Patrick privately and let him down easy, but I decide to avoid the awkward situation.

Everyone knows, if you avoid a problem it goes away.

Of course, by the time I get to the circle, my best friend in the whole world is waiting there to change my mind and make me confront my past. Steven wastes no time and pulls me aside and gets right to the teasing.

"Eliot, it is so good to see you safe. And, I see you have almost all your boyfriends here today."

"And I see you have yours too," I say pointing at Tommy.

"Yes, isn't he a cutie?" Steven smiles like he is the most content human on earth and then he hits me with, "But, lately, I don't know."

"I just saw you yesterday. What happened?"

"No worries. Just something we gotta work out. That boy is hellbent on fighting. He acts like he is invincible after his escape from hanging. I think the stadium battle and the soldiers that were around here have affected him too. He said he is inspired to continue the fight for right."

"The fight for right?"

"Yeah, I know," says Steven. "That's what they are calling it. Pretty good motto as mottos go."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Oh, no worries, you know me. I'm a lover not a fighter. Besides, I don't think I'll make a good fighter as long as I got this." He taps his cast. "Doc says it will be at least another 6 weeks, maybe 2 months before it comes off. She says I should have had surgery. She thinks I might have a limp when this is all over. I guess my ball playing days are over."

"Those days are over for everyone already," I say. I can't help myself, I'm a pessimist at heart.

"Well, I will look quite debonair with a cane."

"Yes, you will. Get a top hat, a suit, grow a mustache and you'll look just like that little old man on the monopoly game."

"He is quite adorable," says Steven as he pretends to tip his top hat.

"He is, for sure. And besides if things don't work out with Tommy, as you always say - there are plenty of other fish in the sea." I point over my shoulder towards Jack.

Steven gazes at Torin and Jack and smiles. "I have been in love with those guys since my president-of-their-fan-club days. Still, it could happen, right?"

"Well, one of those guys is taken, or so I've heard," I say.

Steven acts like he is shocked. "Well, his twin, Jack, is dreamy. I might have trouble getting him away from Carli though."

"They're not together. You do know that Jack is gay, right?"

"Sure, I know."

"You do?"

"Yes, I do. I told you this before, Eliot. We just know." He quickly changes the subject to a subject I am trying my best to avoid. "Now, are you going to tell your fiancé, Patrick, that you got a lover or not."

"Steven, did you say lover?"

"Yes, yes I did, I just know these things, girl. You have been my best friend since middle school. I just know. Though, I do want all the details. Later."

I blush again thinking about the details. "Can you tell by looking at me?" I ask.

"No," says Steven gesturing his head towards Torin. "I can tell by looking at him. Look how happy he looks."

I look over at Torin. He is telling a story and every eye is on him. His one good hand is telling the story too with big hand gestures and a waving arm to emphasize his point that is apparently a bomb blowing up. All the people around the circle, even Baby Christopher, are laughing. My prince is laughing too.

Steven is right, Torin looks happy.

There is soon a reunion in camp as Luke and the other kids join the group around the fire pit, and Baby Christopher is passed around and kissed by all the girls again. Apparently, Cindy Lou found the chickens because she is boiling a large pot of eggs over the fire. I see Millicent and Chloe talking to each other and sharing a very naked, and now empty baby doll.

It is discussed that some chickens might get plucked and fried up, but Clay, with a nod of approval from Torin, insists that we all got to get packed up and on the road.

"We gotta catch the caravan," says Clay. "They are waiting in Statesville, but not for much longer."

"Can we go too?" asks Chloe.

"All kids are welcome," says Torin.

"That's right," says Clay.

"Hip, hip hooray," yell kids who are jumping up and down and running around and chasing each other.

It's time to go. But first, I've got to have a very difficult conversation with my fiancé. 

Eliot Strange and the Prince of the PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now