19) On the Road Again

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I'm so sick of this road, and so sick of Gus now that I just want silence. Sure, I saw a vulnerable side of him during the confession that I am positive he doesn't let many people see, but now it is like he is trying to make up for lost time. He hasn't shut up since we got on foot. And, of course, it is all about him. If he wasn't so damn cute, and we weren't stranded together, I would already have split ways with him. That, and now it seems we have the same goals - find our dads, rescue my mom, and kill a monster.

Gus drones on. "Of course, I made perfect marks that semester. I am a certified genius after all. But, my handlers told me to tone it down a bit. Don't draw so much attention to yourself, they said. You're supposed to be undercover. Stop being perfect. You're from England. You need to work harder at playing harder. You have to party more, drink more, sleep with more women." He pauses briefly and then seriously asks me, "So, what could I do?"

Gus shrugs and sighs and throws his hands up like he doesn't expect a response, and I don't give him one.

He continues. "Really, how hard can all that be? Drink more. Check. Party more. Check, check." He checks his list off in the air. "Sleep with more women. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. And on and on and on. I lost count. " He laughs. "Not difficult marching orders from my handlers, but, ahh, so exhausting. But, it worked, my grades dropped a bit, and I got quite the notoriety as a lady's man."

"I bet you did," I agree. He seems so proud and so sincere about how difficult it was to build up a reputation. His tale is both annoying and, I hate to admit it, a little charming. What is is about a lady's man that is attractive to women? Do we think we will be the one to tame him, calm him down? Are we the one he was searching for all along? Can we change him? I'm a girl in love with her prince, and even I see the appeal of a rascal, a scoundrel who loves women. But, this rascal talks non-stop about himself, and I am sick of it. Just when I am ready to change the subject to my mother and her role in all this deceit and espionage, Gus says:

"Eliot, I have something else to confess."

Oh no, not again. Not another confession.

"I realized it after, after I saw him, after he drove off. I almost turned around to warn them, but I figured out my dad and yours could look after themselves. He is only a boy. And that Leia, well she is something else altogether."

"What are you talking about?"

Gus grimaces like he is in pain. "I guess it is safe to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"I didn't want to crush your soul. Hurt your feelings."

Thank you, but, "What?"

"You seem like you are with the prince now."

I nod, but clarify, "Well, at least until he's gone."

"Yeah, there is that. But.."

"But, what?"

"He has a ring. A ring as big as my fist." He shows me his fist and then examines it himself. "Well, not that big. That is an exaggeration. The biggest I have ever seen up close. And, considering all stores are a free for all now, I am sure it is real. It is a very large diamond, Eliot."

"Who? What are you talking about?" And then, I realize. "Are you talking about Patrick?"

"Yes, Eliot. I'm afraid I am." Gus stops and turns to me and takes hold of my hand as if he has the biggest secret to share, and it is going to hurt him as much as me to tell it.

"Do you know Patrick?" I ask even as I wonder - how, how can Gus know Patrick?

"Yes, I'm afraid I do." 

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