Chapter 12 Halloween (Part 2)

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Reaching back Aurelia and Ethan took the kids to their own chamber. Aurelia had prepared little sweet boxes for them as well as their roommates. After getting their sweets the kids went back to their dorms while promising to share the boxes with their friends.

A little later the much awaited feast began.

A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkin stutter.

The entire Great Hall looked much different from yesterday.

The long dinner tables were filled with mouthwatering dishes. Cedric almost fainted looking at the spectacle. Even at the professor's table Aurelia was finding it very difficult to keep Ethan's hands off the delicious looking treacle tart. They couldn't start without the headmaster's final approval after all.

When Ethan's hands wandered for the fourth time, Aurelia sent him a withering look which finally stopped his hands from their journey to the tarts. One could see the joy diminishing in his eyes. Aurelia felt bad for being so harsh and tried to hold his hand under the table when Ethan moved his hand away from hers.

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Headmaster Dumbledore was finally done with his welcome speech and all were free to start their dinner

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Headmaster Dumbledore was finally done with his welcome speech and all were free to start their dinner. Aurelia quickly grabbed the treacle tart and bought it in front of her husband with a pleading smile. Ethan looked at his wife and then at her peace offering. Cursing himself for his inability to be angry with his wife for no longer than 5 mins, he begrudgingly took the plate from her and fed her the first bite. Professor Sprout swooned from her place on Aurelia's left. Even few seventh years who were sitting closest to the professor's table witnessed the sweet moments with admiring smiles on their faces.

Lyra was too busy gobling up the delicacies to notice anything else. Despite being a picky eater like Cedric, today there was hardly any dish she could refuse. Lily too had a great time with her room mate. Both the girls were sure to achieve the state if food coma at the end of the feast.

After a soul satisfying dinner, all students were asked to return back to their dorms. Since it was sunday the next day which also wad incidentally the first hogsmeade day, the students of third year and above were in great mood. The entire school was vibrating with so much of excitement.

Since tomorrow was hogsmeade, Remus and Regulus would have come to meet the Diggorys and Lyra but due to the full moon this month's plan had to be scrapped. Knowing how disappointment Lyra would be Aurelia had planned for a small nightout with the four of them at her and Ethan's chamber tonight. Taking Cedric and Lyra's small hands into hers she took the kids to her chamber.

Cedric was busy in chatting with his friend, Eric while waiting for the final signal to leave the great hall when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. Turning back he was awarded with the beautiful smile if his aunt. Aurelia simply greeted the two boys and said her nephew to wait for her outside the hall. The same she did with Lyra.

Now after being free from her professional duties she took the kids up to her chambers. On the way unknown to Aurelia, both the kids kept making faces at each other. Cedric would stuck out his tongue and Lyra would scrunch up her face. They continued to tease each other all the way.

On the meanwhile Ethan went to the kitchens and bought few light snacks for them. Once all were settled into the room and changed into comfortable clothes, now started a short war among two kids and one adult over who gets to lie on Aurelia's lap. Pen, paper, scissors finally declared Cedric as the winner. A smug Cedric laid on an amused Aurelia's lap who simply started combing his hair.

Ethan pouted at the scene and cursed himself for losing out against the tiny boy. Overcoming his sadness, he saw Lyra throwing murderous glances at his nephew and quickly bought her against himself comfortably to distract her. Lyra looked above at her uncle. Her heart was filled with love due to her uncle's action. As much as Ethan loved Cedric, his love for Lyra wad not any less. Lyra mimicked Cedric's posture and laid down on Ethan's lap.

The next few hours were spent with conversations, laughs, teasings and snacking. Halloween was proving to be the best day for the kids here in Hogwarts so far.

It was nearly midnight and both the kids were sound asleep with the adults talking softly among themselves. After realizing how late it actually was Ethan got up and helped Aurelia in putting both the kids on the conjured bed. After covering them properly with their own comforters, Aurelia and Ethan too called it a night. With a small sweet kiss Ethan once again wished his wife and pulled her tight against his chest and drifted off to a peaceful sleep with his wife following him right back.

✨Do not forget to like the chapter.
It took me a few days to finally upload a nee chapter. My exams are starting soon which is making it difficult to get time.

Comment on your favorite part guys and if possible please share my story.
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