ʀᴜᴍᴏʀ | 2

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When you walked into the cafeteria, you noticed that there were definitely eyes on you. Not everyone, but a few, particularly among your pals, which is normal. However, the way they looked at you reminded you of when you were 15 and first started smoking pot and... was caught by your parents, which was a nightmare.

All you could hear as you made your sluggish way over to your friends were people looking at you and whispering. Either you were experiencing a severe glow down or glow up, or something negative was occurring.


They were all grinning as they looked at you, then you carefully made your way over to the lunch table of your Dungeon and Dragons club.

"What? "

You questioned as they all exchanged glances and started laughing hysterically; you were in complete confusion.

"What is so laughable? Why is everyone looking at me today?"

They all stare at you as they stop laughing after your question.

"Why Eddie? among everyone? ", says your buddy Xander.


You gave Xander a slow blink before beginning to increase the tempo of your blinks. You were perplexed as you stared at each of them since you had no idea what they were talking about.

You exhaled, took a glance at your lunch tray, grabbed the milk, split it open, and started to drink. You ignored the constant staring you received from your own friends. Xander made the decision to break the hush.

"SOOO, Y/N, is it true that you gave Eddie head last night? " Xander asked.

You spewed your milk out of your soft pink lips in utter shock at the time. You spent some time just staring at Xander. They all started laughing at you as they just sat at the table, and observed you spit out your milk everywhere.

"What-, WHAT?", you yelled.

Some folks looked at your table with complete confusion as you literally began to start freaking out.

"You better be kidding, bitch. Tell me you're just playing a joke on me, please! ", you discuss with your friends.

Before Lee said, "everyone is talking about it," they all exchanged glances at one another.

After he finished speaking, you looked over to Eddie's table and saw him. He was laughing with his buddies, who were certainly paid friends, but when he saw that you were staring at him, you hastily turned your head away.

You questioned, "Who started this rumor?"

Lee questioned, "Oh, so it's not true?"

"No, Lee, why on earth would it be true, DAMMIT??" you reached for your fry on your lunch tray and threw it at him.


Even though the rumor was utterly ridiculous, you started to relax in the last 20 minutes of lunch. You ignored the misery of having your buddies watch every move, you sat in silence the entire time.
When you swiftly turn around after hearing some conversation behind you, you saw Jason and his dweeb friends. You had a look of hatred in your eyes as you gazed up at them, making it obvious that you didn't like them. As you averted your eyes from them and landed your eyes upon our lunch table, they began to surround you. It seemed as though they were expecting something from you, and you weren't too happy about it.

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